Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


A typical fringer may ridicule his droid to no end. yet
without it, he is usually lost. Droids serve a variety of
roles on the fringe, including security and conflict reso-
lution, surgery and medicine, mechanical repairs, con-
struction, astrogation and piloting, and mechanical la-
bor. While many of these droids have only rudimentary
intelligence, some are capable of independent thought.


Creating droid characters in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE is
easy. Treat them as a separate species, with bonuses
and abilities that reinforce their robotic natures. Play-
ers should be creative when coming up with their de-
scription, and also with how the droid uses its equip-
ment. Instead of a droid wearing Laminate Armor,
for example, it could have reinforced metal plates at-
tached directly to its chassis, and instead of carrying
a blaster pistol, it could have one built into its arm.

The personality of a droid is a more delicate mat-
ter. The very fact that the droid is a Player Character
means that it is self-aware and independent-minded
(unless the player wants to play a character who is
completely subservient to the surrounding biologi-
cals, of course). Players who want to make a droid
character should remember the droid's origins and
try to incorporate elements of their original function
into their personality, even if their droid character has
taken on roles far beyond what he was originally pro-

grammed for. A traffic control droid, for example, may
take up the career of a mechanic, but still grumble
endlessly whenever his pilot colleague breaks local
flight and traffic laws.
Physical Description: Droids are assembled in many
different body types, from chassis that follow bipedal
standards, to those of various animals, to completely
utilitarian boxes or cylinders.


Droids can be either fresh off the assembly line with
standard physical and mechanical specifications, or
be customized units that fit their owner's tastes.

  • 2-1B Surgical Droid (Genetech/lndustrial Au-
    tomaton): The 2-1 B Surgical Droid is a highly intel-
    ligent and flexible thinker; as one would expect of
    a droid whose decisions involve life and death. Its
    rather ugly chassis hides a remarkably complex and
    flexible behavioral circuitry matrix, and the droids
    are intelligent and capable in equal measure.

  • 3P0 Protocol Droids (Cybot Galactica): The
    3P0 series of protocol droids are some of the most
    human-like automata ever developed—perfect for
    their assigned tasks as ambassadors, political aids,
    translators, and personal attaches. However, their
    advanced SyntheTech AA-1 verbobrains can some-
    times develop neuroses or other "quirks."

  • IG Assassin Droids (Holowan Mechanicals):
    Culminating with the feared and deadly IG-88


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