Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

In the eyes of the Trandoshans, their feud with
Ithe Wookiees began when the Wookiees brutally
killed the members of a peaceful Trandoshan scout-
ing mission on Kashyyyk. The Wookiees" savagery
caused the Trandoshans to believe the Wookiees
were non-sapient barbarians and therefore had no
resource rights to the planet. For added protection
on their next mission, the Trandoshans brought a
well-armed military force. Nonetheless, in the in-
tervening years since the Trandoshans' first land-
ing, the Wookiees had managed to decipher the
engineering of the Trandoshans' scout vessel. After
months of bloody conflict during which the Tran-
doshans served their goddess with distinction, the
Wookiees overpowered the Trandoshans by sheer
numbers. Further peaceful colonial missions by the
Trandoshans met the same end.

The Trandoshans appealed to the Old Republic,
but discovered that the Wookiees had already en-
countered the off-worlders and told their lies to
the Senate. Soon it was the Wookiees who rep-

resented the Hsskassi system in the Senate, with
no Trandoshan representatives. The Trandoshans
felt isolated and had no recourse but war. The Re-
public eventually sent peacekeeping troops.
Chancellor Palpatine finally listened to the des-
perate pleas of the Trandoshans. Dignitaries
convinced him to give them representation for
the Hsskassi system in the Imperial Senate in
return for helping quash the Wookiee rebellion
on Kashyyyk. Moreover, the Trandoshan dignitar-
ies promised to catch and deliver Wookiee slaves
to the Empire. With Kashyyyk occupied by the
Imperial military, the Trandoshans had at last
gained the upper hand over their neighbors.
Not all Trandoshans agreed with this new ap-
proach. The Trandoshan Jedi Master Krassk
M'ikosh, having tried for years to negotiate a
peaceful settlement between the Wookiees and
his own beloved people, died while protecting a
Wookiee child against Trandoshan slavers.

Homeworld: The world of Rodia in the Mid Rim is the
Rodians' planet of origin. It merges urban and indus-
trial development with tracts of untouched rainforest,
providing brave Rodian youths with environments in
which to test their hunting skills.

Language: Because of the structure of their mouths,
Rodians have a difficult time speaking Basic and some
choose not to even try, relying exclusively on their na-
tive tongue, Rodese.

Life on the Fringe: The cultural heritage of "the
hunt" draws Rodians into bounty hunting or employ-
ment as gunmen. Rodians often take challenges too
big for them, dreaming of the prizes they will receive
on Rodia for nabbing the catch.


  • Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

  • Starting Experience: 100 XP

  • Special Abilities: Rodians begin the game with
    one rank in Survival. They still may not train Sur-
    vival above rank 2 during character creation. Rodi-
    ans start with one rank in the Expert Tracker talent.


Trandoshans are belligerent, lizard-like humanoids
who have an avowed hatred of Wookiees. They can be
found wherever a strong hand or a big gun is desired.
Physiology: Standing on average a little shorter
than their Wookiee nemeses, the cold blooded Tran-
doshans' three-fingered hands lack the manual dex-
terity of a thumb, causing them difficulty manipulat-
ing technology. Making up for this clumsiness are the
three enormous claws on each hand. Their supersen-
sitive vision allows them to see the infrared spectrum.
At younger ages, their regenerative powers are capa-
ble of restoring whole limbs if need be. Their scales
range from bright green to orange, and can change in
the molting season.

Society: Trandoshans, who call themselves the
"T'doshok" in Dosh, come from a society that empha-
sizes strength, skill at hunting, resilience, and self-re-
liance. Clutches of four eggs are raised by the mother
(the father seldom has any involvement); young Tran-
doshans can walk and possess an instinctual hunting
ability almost from birth. By two years of age, their
mother takes them on their first hunts, and by ten
they are largely self-sufficient.
Trandoshan society revolves around two things: the
hunt, and worship of a goddess known as the Scorekeep-
er. She watches over the Trandoshan people, blessing
or punishing them based on the success of their hunts.
For each successful hunt and quarry brought to ground,
the Trandoshans receive jagannath, "divine marks," that

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