Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

When you create your character, you will need to con-
sider your backstory: where did your character come
from? What does he do now and why? What does he
' want to do next? The game includes ways to inspire
backstory development through roleplaying motivations
and obligations to other individuals. Your PC has a spe-
cific Obligation that influences him regularly—maybe he
owes a crime lord thousands of credits, must repay a big
favor, or is dedicated to his family or organization. On
the seedy side of galactic society, you can't help but owe
someone something.
*v " •

You also create a personality, one which might be very
similar to yourself, or very different from anything you've
known. The heart of a roleplaying game is taking on the
role of your Player Character, and acting in a manner be-
fitting the character's situation, history, and aspirations.
Backstories and personalities can be as complex or sim-
ple as you like, so long as you and your fellow players are
having a good time.
Once you have a Player Character, you play as part
of a group, usually comprising four to six players. Your
character's backstory might mesh with theirs (perhaps
they are related, or all serve aboard the same ship), or
they might be allies of the moment, thrown together by
circumstances beyond their control.
When you play, each member of the group controls his
own Player Character. The Came Master plays the part
of everyone else the PCs encounter, work with, or fight.
(These are called Non-Player Characters, or NPCs.) The
CM also embroils the group in the adventure. The CM
might create a story or plot, or the group could dictate
their own journey. Most games are a combination of both.

During the adventure, you tell the GM what you want
your Player Character to do. You might use accents or
unusual voices like an improvisational actor, but it's per-
fectly fine to simply say what you want to do and let the
GM respond. Don't worry about knowing all of the rules
of the game immediately—you'll learn from the GM and
other players as you go, although reading the EDGE OF
THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook is helpful. Having a good time
is more important than following every rule to the letter.


It is a time of civil war...and much more. Every day, the
growing Rebellion threatens the Galactic Empire on
new battlefields and political arenas, fighting for hearts
and minds throughout the galaxy in their bid for free-
dom. Beyond the Rebellion, the rest of the galaxy goes
about its business. Some hope to stay out of the line
of fire, but others profit from the conflict. The most un-
lucky beings are caught in tyrannical Imperial policies
that repress freedom and enslave entire species. The
desperate and the opportunistic seek the edges of the
Empire, finding refuge in social, eco-
nomic, and legal grey areas in the
remote parts of the galaxy.
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