Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

The fire beetles can!t harm anyone while confined to
their cage. Unlatching the cage door requires an action.
If released, the beetles attack indiscriminately.
The iron fragments littering the floor include curved
sheets of outer plating, as well as internal gears, cogs,
spindles, bars, and pipes. These pieces are waiting to be
attached to the construct in area lS.


The foundry is unbearably hot. Characters who linger
here for 1 hour or more while the forges are operating
are subject to the effects of extreme heat (see chapter S
of the Dungeon Master's Guide).


Ceiling. This hall has an arched, 30-foot-high ceiling.
Hounds. Five hell hounds patrol the hall. They obey the
commands of fire giants and attack intruders on sight.
Open Pits. Three 10 -foot-square pits in the floor contain
discarded scraps of metal.
The pits are 70 feet deep but partially filled with scrap
metal that reduces their effective depth. The western
pit is 20 feet deep, the central pit is SO feet deep, and
the eastern pit is 10 feet deep. Any creature that falls
into the pit lands on jagged shards of metal and takes
slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage
from the fall.

These three identical chambers have stone stairs that
climb 10 feet to each platform, at the back of which is a
raging hot forge of blackened stone. The curved ceilings
in these chambers are 20 feet high.
Three fire giants (two females named Dralkana and
Ingritt and a male named Yarshoss) are stationed here,
one at each forge. Their job is to melt down fragments
of scrap iron so that Hrossk, the fire giant metalsmith
in area 11, can reshape them for the construct in area
lS. It's tedious work, and the fire giants are restless and
spoiling for a fight.
The fires in the forges are conjured from the Ele-
mental P lane of F ire. A stone lever built into each forge
closes a valve in the back of it, extinguishing the flames.
Any creature that enters a lit forge or starts its turn in
one takes 55 (lOdlO) fire damage.


Arcturia keeps some of her horrific handiwork here.


Pillars. Three pillars of polished black stone stand in
the corners of the room. Attached to each pillar at
waist height is a tarnished silver knob.
Tapestry. A huge, sickly purple tapestry hanging on
the west wall undulates as though alive. Its surface is
covered with eleven unblinking eyes: one large central
eye and ten small peripheral eyes. (Hidden behind the
tapestry is a secret door.)
Crystal Door. A crystal door in one corner of the room
stands closed. Beyond the door is a small, magically lit
chamber. (See area 13b for details.)


All three pillars and their silver knobs radiate auras
of transmutation magic under the scrutiny of a detect
magic spell. Any creature that touches a pillar's silver
knob is teleported to area Sb. Once a silver knob has
teleported a creature, it disappears. Eight hours after
the last knob vanishes, all three reappear.
Tapestry of Eyes. The fleshy tapestry is Xebekal, a
beholder that invaded Arcturia's dungeon years ago. The
lich snared the eye tyrant and used a wish spell to trans-
form it. In the form of a tapestry, the beholder retains
its darkvision and can see whatever is in front of it, but
nothing behind it. It can't speak, and its movement is
limited to harmless flapping. It can't use its Antimagic
Cone trait or take any actions or reactions.
Xebekal can be contacted with telepathy. It promises
wealth and power to anyone who restores it, but has no
intention of honoring its promises. Only a wish spell can
turn the tapestry back into the beholder it once was.
The tapestry has AC 5, 33 hit points, immunity to
poison damage, and vulnerability to fire damage. If it is
reduced to 0 hit points, the tapestry is destroyed. The
characters gain no XP for killing the beholder in this
form, given its present helplessness.

Crystal Door. The door to this chamber is made of
3-inch-thick transparent crystal.
Brass Panels. Embedded in the wall next to the door
is a brass panel with four brass buttons arranged in
a diamond formation. (A similar panel appears inside
the chamber.)
Light. A crystal dome in the ceiling sheds pale white
light, illuminating the whole chamber.
Key. Lying on the chamber floor is a flat mithral key.
The buttons on each brass panel and their effects are
as follows:
The top button is engraved with an arrow pointing up.
Pressing it opens the crystal door, which retracts
into the ceiling. This button is locked and cannot be
pressed if the door is already up.
The bottom button is engraved with an arrow pointing
down. Pressing it shuts the crystal door by lowering
it back into place. This button is locked and cannot be
pressed if the door is already down.
The left button is engraved with a tiny human stick
figure. The button is locked and cannot be pressed
while the crystal door is open. If the button is pressed
while the door is closed, the light emanating from the
crystal dome on the ceiling flickers, and all creatures
in the chamber behind the door magically shrink as
though affected by the reduce effect of the enlarge/re-
duce spell (no saving throw allowed). The effect lasts
for 24 hours.
The right button is engraved with a larger human stick
figure and functions like the left button, except the
creatures in the alteration chamber are enlarged in-
stead of reduced.
If a magically reduced creature is subjected to the
chamber's enlarge effect, or a magically enlarged
creature is subjected to the reduce effect, the two alter-
ations cancel each other out, and the creature reverts
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