Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
on level 14 ofUndermountain (no saving throw allowed).
Any creature reduced to 0 hit points by this effect is
immediately disintegrated and reduced to a pile of dust.
The spell also disintegrates the six mithral keys.
Creatures that are standing in the lit alcoves when the
spell goes off are unharmed, as are creatures inside an
antimagic field. (The antimagic fields in areas 4 and 32
protect the creatures there.)

  1. GUEST QUARTERS '~~~~~
    Arcturia keeps this room for special guests, such as
    Halaster or visiting wizards who have magic to trade. Its
    features are as follows:
    Furnishings. A large canopied bed dominates the
    eastern alcove. At the foot of the bed rests a large
    iron chest with a flat lid and clawed feet. An owlbear
    rug is splayed across the floor in front of the chest
    and the bed.
    Alcove. A black curtain conceals an alcove to the south-
    west. In front of the curtain is an overstuffed leather
    chair and a small table with a crystal decanter.
    The alcove contains a stone statue that lacks fine
    features, resembling a blank-faced humanoid. A detect
    magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation magic
    around the statue, which alters its form to mimic the
    appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid that
    touches it. The statue has no other properties.

The chest has an iron key in its lock, and turning the key
unlocks it. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of trans-
mutation magic emanating from inside the chest.
The chest is empty except for a magic mirror fastened
to the inside of its lid. Any creature that sees its reflec-
tion in the mirror is targeted by a flesh to stone spell
(save DC 20). Once the spell has been triggered, the mir-
ror ceases to be magical.

The crystal decanter is worth 250 gp but is fragile. It
contains cheap wine. The owlbear rug is worth 75 gp.


Mounted above the double door to these chambers is a
4-foot-diameter, 2-inch-thick disk of black stone upon
which is engraved a white symbol depicting a bony hu-
man hand. A detect magic spell reveals a powerful aura
of abjuration magic around the seal.
The seal bas AC 17 , 30 hit points, and immunity to
poison and psychic damage. If the seal is destroyed, the
rakshasa bound to these chambers can escape.

Ligh t. The walls and ceiling are painted gold. Mounted
to them are black iron sconces with continual flame
spells cast on them. These fires cast the entire room
in bright, flickering light.
Carpet and Cushions. Thick, wall-to-wall carpeting
with alternating gold and black zigzagging patterns
covers the floor, with a few soft, gold silk cushions
strewn about.

Hammocks. Two tasseled hammocks are stretched
between four black pillars near the east wall. Napping
in one of them is a beautiful young man wearing gold
sandals and a golden silk skirt. (The man is Alussiarr,
a rakshasa using a disguise self spell to mask its
true form.)
Braziers. Two braziers made of carved black basalt rest
in the middle of the floor. Smoldering blocks of in-
cense in each brazier fill the room with a pungent but
pleasant aroma.
The rakshasa is bound to these boudoirs and can't
travel beyond area 39 , even through the use of spells,
as long as the circular seal above the doors remains in
place. (Spells that would transport the rakshasa away
from the area simply fail.) Arcturia trapped the rakshasa
here years ago and draws blood from the fiend to fuel
her terrible transmutation rituals.
Alussiarr has no beef with the adventurers and doesn't
want to distress them by revealing its true form. It does,
however, ask them to set it free by breaking the seal
outside the room. If the characters do so, the rakshasa
turns invisible and makes its way out of Undermountain
with the goal of working all manner of evil in Water-
deep- but not before telling the heroes where they can
find Arcturia's spellbook (area 40b) and phylactery (area
40c), as well as the command word to reveal the book-
shelves in area 40b. It also gives them a flat, 6-inch-long
mithral key shaped like a Y, and tells them it's one of six
keys required to activate the weapon of mass disintegra-
tion in area 37. Alussiarr doesn't know where the other
five keys are kept.
If the characters haggle with the rakshasa, it also
vows to provide up to three additional pieces of useful
information in exchange for its freedom, such as the way
to level 15. If the characters refuse to help Alussiarr, the
rakshasa shrugs its shoulders, returns to its nap, and
gives them nothing in return. It has waited years to es-
cape-it can wait a few more.

Mosaics. Gruesome mosaics made from humanoid
bones decorate stone-framed panels set into the walls.
Furnishings. Arrayed about the room are six divans
made of stitched flesh stretched over bone frames and
a table made entirely of glued teeth and fangs.
Arch. Set into the middle of the south wall is a stone
arch. Carved into its keystone are three human-like
stick figures holding hands.
Arch Gate to Level 17. The arch is one of Halaster's
magic gates (see "Gates,'' page 12). Its rules are
as follows:

  • If three humanoids hold hands while standing within
    5 feet of the gate, it opens for 1 minute.

  • Characters must be 14th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp,'' page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes,'' page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 11 on level 17 , in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.

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