Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

13th-level characters, and adventurers who
defeat the monsters on this level should gain
enough XP to advance to 14th level. Before
running this level of Undermountain, review
the description of the death tyrant in the
"Beholders" entry in the Monster Manual, as
that information will help you roleplay the death tyrant
that claims the Obstacle Course as its lair.

What Dwells Here?

Visitors to this level must contend with mechanical
traps left behind by the Melairkyn dwarves, magical
traps crafted by the Mad Mage, and an undead beholder
named Netherskull. They might also encounter nui-
sances from the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire,
and a band of githzerai on a special mission.

Many years ago, a beholder floated up from the Un-
derdark and infiltrated Undermountain. After carving
out a lair for itself, the beholder dreamed itself into un-
death, becoming a death tyrant called Netherskull.
When Halas ter and Netherskull met in battle, the wiz-
ard emerged triumphant, but he couldn't bring himself
to destroy such a formidable dungeon guardian. Instead,
Halaster agreed to let Netherskull remain the undis-
puted lord of this level on the condition that it permit
Halaster to tinker with and maintain the level's traps,
as well as add a magical, mean-spirited announcer that

taunts visitors as they blunder from one room to another
(see "Halaster's Play-by-Play," page 194).

Four githzerai zerths have taken refuge in the Obstacle
Course. They use their psychic abilities and natural
stealth to hide from Halaster's magical gaze and the
death tyrant's watchful eyes.
The githzerai are aware that githyanki have con-
quered the Crystal Labyrinth (level 16) and are waging
war against a mind flayer colony in Seadeeps (level 17).
The githzerai wait patiently to see the outcome of the
Seadeeps conflict but stand ready to assist should the
githyanki need help. The leader of this githzerai band,
Yrlakka, is a member of the Sha'sal Khou, a faction of
renegade githyanki and githzerai who seek to reunify
the gith races. By helping the githyanki defeat a com-
mon foe, Yrlakka hopes to demonstrate the merits of a
single unified gith race- not only to the evil githyanki,
but also to the younger githzerai zerths who follow him.
Yrlakka is concerned because his most headstrong pu-
pil, a githzerai named Ezria, has disappeared. He fears
(correctly) that Ezria was captured by the githyanki on
level 16 while trying to find weak spots in their defenses.

Several lava children (see appendix A) brought to Un-
dermountain by Halaster's apprentice Trobriand have
migrated from level 13 to the Obstacle Course and taken
residence around a lava-filled chasm in the heart of the

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