Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
level, joining the magma mephits that dwell there. Neth-
erskull terrorizes the lava children and magma mephits
from time to time, but not enough to force them to leave
the warmth of the chasm. The evil mephits trick or goad
the lava children into attacking all other creatures that
blunder into their territory.

The Obstacle Course is replete with mechanical and
magical traps. Two recurring types are described below.

Melairkyn dwarves built these pits, and Halaster keeps
them in working order.
A 10-foot-square slab of 2-inch-thick stone covers each
pit. Each cover is carved to resemble the floor surround-
ing the pit. A character who has a passive Wisdom (Per-
ception) score of 17 or higher recognizes the trapped
section of floor as the cover of a pit. A character can also
search the floor for traps, detecting the pit with a suc-
cessful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once a pit is
detected, an iron spike or similar object can be wedged
between the pit's cover and the surrounding floor to pre-
vent the cover from opening. The cover can also be held
in place using an arcane Jock spell or similar magic.
When a weight of 25 pounds or more is placed on the
cover, it swings downward (as long as it hasn't been pre-
vented from opening) and remains open until Halaster
happens by and decides to close it. Any creature or
object on the cover when it swings open falls into the pit
below. The pit's depth and other hazards vary by loca-
tion, as described in the location's description. Regard-
less of a pit's depth, its walls are too smooth for charac-
ters to climb without the aid of climbing gear, magic, or
the Spider Climb trait (or a similar ability).

Teleport traps are at the locations marked T on the
map. A teleport trap is a magical effect usually cast on a
10 -foot-square section of floor, set to trigger whenever a
creature enters the trap's space. The trap extends all the
way to the ceiling of the space that contains it.
A teleport trap is invisible to the senses, and a perma-
nent Nystul's magic aura spell prevents divination spells
such as detect magic from revealing the trap's presence.
A successful dispel magic spell (DC 18) cast on the
trapped section of floor destroys the trap.
A creature that enters the trap's space is teleported
along with any objects it is wearing or carrying to an-
other teleport trap (or the nearest unoccupied space).
There is no saving throw to resist the teleportation ef-
fect, and the destination varies from trap to trap. Once a
creature has been teleported in this way, it is unaffected
by teleport traps on this level for 1 hour.
When a creature is teleported by a trap, Halaster's
booming voice shouts "Teleported!" in Common. The
magical voice originates at the point of departure and
the point of arrival, and it is audible in both locations out
to a range of 100 feet.
Some teleport traps have additional effects, as de-
scribed in their encounter locations.


Whenever a creature makes an attack roll, takes damage,
o r performs a death-defying s tunt in the Obstacle Course,
Halaster's disembodied voice magically chimes in with
play-by-play commentary. The effect can't be dispelled, and
its exact point of o rigin can't be ascert ained. The play-by·
play can be silenced for good by destroying the source in
area 30b or by defeating the death tyrant Netherskull.
Improvise the play-by-play as you see fit. The commen·
tary tends to be sarcastic, biting, and demoralizing. A few
examples of what t he d isembodied voice m ight say are
p rovided below:
When a character misses with a melee a ttack roll: "Swing
and a m iss!"
Whe n a cha racter misses with a ranged attack roll:
"Missed that one by a mile!"
Whe n a character takes da mage: "Ouch, that'll
leave a mark!"
When the characters kill a m onster: "Score one for the
When the pa rty cle ric drops to 0 hit points: "The cleric is
down! Stick a fork in it- this party's done!"

Splitting the Party. Teleport traps are designed to
split the party- a situation that can challenge any DM.
To ensure that every member of a split party gets atten-
tion, think of yourself as a film editor cutting scenes in
a movie. Jump from one group of characters to the next
while spending no more than a few minutes with any
given group or individual. Tense moments are great
times to "cut" from one group to another-don't be
afraid to leave them hanging!

Exploring This Level

The following encounter locations are keyed to map 15.
The most distinguishing feature of the level is a gaping
chasm that borders several dungeon corridors and
chambers (see area 40 for details).
The Obstacle Course is mostly devoid of furnishings,
since the level was designed explicitly to dispose of in-
truders in an efficient yet entertaining manner.

  1. ON Yo uR MARK! GET SET! G o!
    A broad set of stairs descend to a large chamber with
    the following features:

Pillars. Four stone pillars support a 35-foot-high,
vaulted ceiling strung with cobwebs. When one or
more humanoids approach within 30 feet of the north-
east pillar, a magic mouth spell activates, forming a
stone mouth on the pillar.
Statues. Tunnel exits to the north and south are flanked
by 12 -foot-tall stone statues of Halaster Blackcloak,
depicted as a bearded, scowling old wizard wearing
a robe covered with lidless eyes and clutching a stout
scepter with a red dragon's head at each end.
Mine Ca r ts. Two mine carts made of corroded iron
stand near a tunnel exit in the east wall.

These statues can't be moved, knocked over, or dam-
aged in any way. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of
transmutation magic around each one.
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