Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Any nonmagical weapon that strikes a statue for the
purpose of dealing damage to it turns to dust.

In Halaster's voice, the magic mouth speaks the follow-
ing words in Common before disappearing: "Welcome
to the Obstacle Course! Place all weapons and magic
items in the carts for safekeeping. You won't need them.
Hurry! Time is running out."

The axles, wheels, and brake handles of the mine carts
are rusted in place. A prestidigitation cantrip or similar
magic can free the mechanisms and render a mine cart
functional for the spell's duration, but it still squeals
loudly when rolled across the floor.
The characters are under no compulsion to heed
Halaster's magic mouth spell. Any items they place in
the carts and leave there are safe for 24 hours. After
that, all u nattended objects in the carts disappear-
taken by Halaster to area 5 on level 23. Characters can
find the missing items waiting for them there.

This 40 -foot-deep hidden pit (see "Covered Pits," page
194) is located between the two northernmost statues.
Halaster has cast a glyph of warding spell at the bottom
of the pit, set to trigger a fireball spell (save DC 22) when
a creature lands on the pit floor. The fireball is created
using a 7th-level spell slot, engulfs all creatures in the
pit, and deals 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures in
the pit have disadvantage on the saving throw, as there's
precious little space to maneuver.

Halaster has placed a teleport trap (see "Teleport
Traps," page 194) between the two southern statues.
A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a location
determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the fol-
lowing table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1 -1 2 The teleport trap in area 10
13-18 The teleport trap in area 19
19-20 The teleport trap in area 40c

Additional Effect: Elder Rune. The first time a crea-
ture triggers this teleport trap, an elder rune (see "Elder
Runes," page 12) appears in the air between the two
southern statues a split second after the creature disap-
pears, and at the same moment a booming voice shouts,
"Teleported!" Draw a card from the Elder Runes Deck
(see appendix B) to determine which rune appears. This
rune targets all creatures within 60 feet of it with the
same effect (bane or boon, determined randomly).


The stones that comprise the floor of this 10-foot-high
chamber make clacking noises when stepped on-a
crude but effective alarm system installed by dwarves
long ago. A character who searches the floor for traps


before stepping on it discovers the hidden alarm system
with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A secret door in the west wall opens into area 3, and
north of the room is a hidden pit trap.

This hidden pit (see "Covered Pits," page 194) is 20
feet deep, but the bottom 10 feet is occupied by a gelat-
inous cube. Any creature that falls into the pit takes

(^10) (3d6) acid damage as it sinks into the cube and is
automatically engulfed by it. If the cube is attacked from
above, it rises out of the pit on its turn and tries to engulf
anything in its path.

    The secret doors leading to this chamber are 10 feet
    square. It takes a singular or combined Strength of 16
    to push open each door. The room is choked with dust
    and cobwebs. Five dead creatures stuffed with sawdust
    and displayed in lifelike poses are crammed into the
    northern half of the room. The stuffed monsters and
    their weights are summarized below:

  • An aarakocra with wings spread, clutching a javelin
    (120 pounds)

  • A reared-up ankheg (600 pounds)

  • A young brass dragon with wings tucked in, head low-
    ered, and jaws agape (75 0 pounds)

  • An ettercap with its arms raised menacingly
    (200 pounds)

  • A hell hound with a continual flame spell cast in its
    gullet (150 pounds)

    Ceilings. The central portion of this chamber has a
    domed ceiling 20 feet high. Wings to the east and west
    have 15-foot-high arched ceilings.
    Crevasse. Orange light and intense heat spill from a cre-
    vasse that splits the room nearly in two. (The source
    of the light is a river of lava 30 feet below, which wid-
    ens toward the southeast, originating in area 40d.)
    Statues. Two life-size iron statues of mind flayers sit in
    opposite corners of the central chamber, facing one
    another with their tentacles outstretched.
    Halaster placed the mind flayer statues here and
    trapped them. A detect magic spell reveals auras of abju-
    ration and evocation magic around each one. It doesn't
    require an ability check to realize that a humanoid head
    would fit nicely inside each mind flayer's tentacles.
    Any humanoid that passes between the statues must
    succeed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving throw or be
    charmed by the statues for 1 minute. The charmed crea-
    ture must use all of its movement on its turn to move
    toward the nearest statue and stick its head between the
    tentacles. (A Small humanoid must climb the front of the
    statue to do so.) Only one creature at a time can place
    its head between the tentacles. A humanoid that places
    its head between the tentacles is no longer charmed but
    is stunned and remains so until another creature sepa-
    rates it from the statue or until the statue is destroyed.

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