Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

Each statue is rooted to the floor and is a Medium ob-
ject with AC 19,^40 hit points, and immunity to all dam-
age except force damage.

    Several traps and obstacles await visitors to these areas.
    The ceilings are^10 feet high throughout.

Columns. Six^10 -foot-wide columns support the ceiling.
Gilded Statue. An alcove in the south wall contains
a gilded s tatue of Halaster Blackcloak holding what
looks like coins in its outstretched right hand.
Secr et Door. A northwest alcove contains a secret door
that opens into area 5d.
The statue holds five gold-painted stone coins in its
outstretched hand. Close inspection reveals that one
of the coins is loose and can be removed from the stat-
ue's hand. Engraved on each side of the loose coin is
Halaster's rune. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of
abjuration magic around the coin, and an identify spell
or similar magic reveals its magical property.
When an elder rune triggers within 60 feet of the
creature that possesses the coin , the creature can use
its reaction and the coin to change the elder rune's bane
effect into a boon effect, or vice versa. After the coin
is used once, it disappears in a flas h, accompanied by
Halaster's booming laugh.

This trap is located in the far west alcove in the south
wall (see "Teleport Traps," page 19 4). A creature tele-
ported by this trap arrives at a location determined by
rolling a d20 and consulting the following table:
d2 0 Teleport Destination
1-10 The teleport trap in area 19
11-15 The teleport trap in area^28
16-20 The teleport trap in area 40c

This empty, 30-foot-wide, 10-foot-deep, 10-foot-high
chamber is closed off by two humming iron portcul-
lises with 3-inch gaps between their I-inch-thick bars.
A winch on the north wall of the chamber ra ises and
Jowers both portcullises simultaneously, but it's beyond
the reach of characters standing outside the room. A
mage hand cantrip or an unseen servant spell cannot
exert enough force to turn the winch, but a telekinesis
spell does. A character can also circumvent one or both
portcullises using a spell s uch as misty step or gaseous
form. Any creature that touches either portcullis or
passes between its electrified bars takes^22 (4d10) light-
ning damage, or^44 (8d10) lightning damage ifthe crea-
ture is made of ferrous metal or wearing metal armor.

This chamber, hidden behind a secret door, is choked
with dust and cobwebs. The room's only feature is a
9-foot-tall stone statue of a cloaked female dwarf, her
face half hidden under a cowl. In one outstretched hand,
she holds an alien s kull, yellowed with age.

The statue depicts Deep Duerra, the duergar god of
conquest and psionics. Recognizing this sinister figure
requires a successful DC^20 Intelligence (Religion)
check; dwarves (including duergar) have advantage on
the check. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or
Nature) check confirms that she is holding the skull of a
long-dead mind flayer.
Treasure. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of illu-
sion magic around the mind flayer skull, and an identify
spell or similar magic reveals its magical properties. A
creature with the skull in its possession is invisible to
mind flayers, as is anything the creature is wearing or
carrying. The skull crumbles to dust and is destroyed
ldlO days after leaving the statue's grasp.


Scorch Marks. This circular chamber has a 20-foot-
high domed ceiling. Every s urface is scorched and
covered with soot, in a manner suggesting that multi-
ple fiery explosions have occurred here.
Xunderbrok. On a section of the back wall, an excla-
mation is scrawled in the soot: XUNDERBROK! (A
previous explorer spelled this word on the wall. For
information on its meaning, see area 39c on level 6.)
Chest. A stone chest also blackened by soot lies open in
the middle of the floor. (The stone chest is empty, its
contents looted long ago. It weighs^500 pounds.)

In addition to the empty chest, the middle 10-foot square
of the room contains a teleport trap (see "Teleport
Traps," page 194). A creature teleported by this trap
arrives at a location determined by rolling a d20 and
consulting the following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-6 The teleport trap in area 13a
7-12 The teleport trap in area 22b
13-20 The teleport trap in area 40c

    Chas m. This partially destroyed room is dimly lit by
    the lava at the bottom of the nearby chasm (see area
    40). P ast the chasm's ledge is a spectral bridge that
    connects two other partially destroyed chambers
    (see area 16).
    Peeling P aint. The vibrant green paint that once
    adorned the walls has mostly peeled off from the
    chasm's extreme heat.
    Ghost. As one or more characters attempt to cross the
    room, the ghost of Fidelio, a human paladin of Tyr,
    appears in the middle of the room. The air around it
    reeks of cheap cologne.
    Fidelio's ghost has^80 hit points and appears as a
    translucent knight in shining armor, with the symbol of
    Tyr (a set of balanced scales) on his ghostly breastplate.
    The ghost is lawful good and speaks in Common. If the
    ghost is reduced to 0 hit points, it re-forms^24 hours
    later in a random location within the Obstacle Course
    and remains there until encountered again.

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