Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

Additional Effect: Rolling Dragon. When a creature
is teleported to this location from another teleport trap,
a disembodied voice shouts, "Teleported!" at the same
moment the 10-foot-wide dragon statue rolls forward
60 feet, passing through the teleport trap's space and
slamming into the wall of the corridor that leads west.
Any creature in the path of the rolling statue, including
the one teleported by the trap, must s ucceed on a DC^15
Dexterity saving throw to get out of its way. On a failed
save, the creature is struck by the rolling statue, falls
prone, and takes^55 (lOdlO) bludgeoning damage.
The statue returns to its original position against the
east wall after 1 minute, ready to roll again the next time
a creature teleports into the room.

    Teleport Trap. A teleport trap (see "Teleport Traps,"
    page 194) is situated near the bend in the corridor.
    Corpse. A dead drow lies on the floor at the end of the
    tunnel, around the corner from the teleport trap.
    The rotting corpse of a drow mage lies slumped
    against a wall at the end of the tunnel, his face frozen in
    a scream, his black robe torn and dusty. The drow, El-
    vilac Zmirth, was killed by Netherskull's remote Death
    Ray (one of the death tyrant's regional effects) after
    finishing a long rest in this dead-e nd tunnel. His sister,
    Lorlynn, can be found in area 14b.

Characters who search Elvilac's remains find a zurkh-
wood wand (used as an arcane focus), a spellbook with
black leather covers, and a spider silk pouch containing
three soft purple mushrooms that give off an aura when
subjected to a detect magic spell or s imilar magic. Elvi-
lac's spellbook contains all the spells he had prepared
(see the drow mage stat block), plus dispel magic, stone-
skin, and telekinesis. Each of the purple mushrooms
can be eaten as an action and has the magical proper-
ties of a potion of greater healing.

A teleport trap fills the 10-foot-square space marked on
map 15. A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a
location determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the
following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1- 12 The teleport trap in area^6
13-16 The teleport trap in area 24a
17 -20 The teleport trap in area^28

Hidden behind a secret door is a dusty, 10-foot-high
room that contains the following features:
Lever. In the middle of the room, a 6-foot-diameter rusty
iron wheel protrudes from the floor.
Unseen Servant. Standing silently in the northwest cor-
ner is a living unseen servant (see appendix A).
The rusty iron wheel can be rotated a half turn in ei-
ther direction, squealing loudly until it clicks to a stop.
Turning the wheel causes mechanisms under the floor

to clank and whir, locking the lids of all the covered pits
on this level and deactivating all the teleport traps on
this level. Resetting the wheel to its original position re-
activates these traps.
The living unseen servant doesn't announce its pres-
ence to anyone. If the characters turn the wheel but fail
to destroy the unseen servant, it waits until they leave
the room before using the wheel to reactivate the traps
on this level.


Two traps are hidden in these unadorned halls.

A teleport trap (see "Teleport Traps," page 194) fills
the 10-foot-square space marked on the map. A creature
teleported by this trap arrives at a location determined
by rolling a d20 and consulting the following table:
d20 Teleport Dest ination
1 -10 The teleport trap in area^19
11 - 18 The teleport trap in area 22a
19-20 The teleport trap in area 40c

Additional Effect: Summoned Devil. After a crea-
ture triggers the trap and is teleported away, an ice
d evil appears io the trap's space and attacks any other
creatures it sees at the same moment a booming voice
shouts, "Teleported!" The devil doesn't trigger any of the
teleport traps on this level. It disappears when reduced
to 0 hit points or after 1 minute. Each time the trap is
triggered , a new ice devil appears.

This hidden pit (see "Covered Pits," page 194) is^40
feet deep, and a creature that falls the distance takes
14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. In addition, Halaster
has cast a glyph of warding spell at the bottom of the
pit, set to trigger a cloudkill spell (save DC 22) when a
creature lands on the floor of the pit. The poisonous fog
created by the spell fills the pit and lasts for^10 minutes.
The spell is cast using an 8th-level spell slot. It deals^36
{8d8) poison damage on a failed saving throw, or half as
much damage on a successful one.

    This corner of the dungeon holds a pair of dusty crypts.

The door to this room is engraved with a large rune,
while the door frame is carved with leering dwarven
skulls. A character who understands Dwarvish recog-
nizes the rune on the door as a dwarven symbol of death
(identical to the one in a rea 27).
Behind the door is a dusty, 10-foot-high crypt that con-
tains the following features:
Sarcophagi. Three open stone sarcophagi rest in
th e middle of the crypt, their lids lying in pieces on
the floor.
Skeletons. Piled against the back wall a re scores of
moldering dwarf skeletons (inanimate and harmless).

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