Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


A 120-foot-long, 10-foot-wide bridge of wispy magical
energy spans the lava-filled chasm, connecting areas^9
and^17. This bridge provides a relatively safe means of
crossing the chasm, particularly given that the chasm
suppresses fly spells and similar magic (see area 40).
The bridge, suspended 30 feet above the surface of
the lava, is flat, translucent, and without railings. Nor-
mally, it is solid and safe to walk on-but any section
of the bridge within^10 feet of a magic item becomes
insubstantial. A creature or object passes through an
insubstantial section of the bridge like it's not there. A
successful dispel magic spell cast on the bridge (DC 18)
causes the entire span to disappear for 1 hour.
ln order to retain their magic items as they cross the
bridge, the characters must devise a way to distance the
items from the bridge as they cross it, such as by tying
the items to ropes and dangling them more than^10 feet
from the span.

Whenever a creature on the bridge crosses the midpoint
of the span, there is a 25 percent chance that the lava
pool below spouts a fireball that explodes at a point
centered on that creature. The effect is that of a fireball
spell (save DC 19) cast using a 7th-level spell slot. It
deals 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed saving throw, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

What's left of this room is perched above the lava at the
north end of the spectral bridge (area 16). Most of the
chamber was destroyed when the chasm was created,
but the following features remain:
Frescoes. Damaged frescoes cling to the few walls
that weren't destroyed by the chasm's formation.
These frescoes depict obscene orgies ben.veen drow
and demons.
Door Carving. Covering the north door (to area 18) is a
silver-inlaid carving of a spider's web.

    This room stands empty except for fist-sized bas-re-
    liefs of spiders at various heights along the walls. The
    furnishings of the shrine were either destroyed by the
    formation of the chasm or disintegrated by the death
    tyrant. What remains is an empty chamber with a crum-
    bling ledge that overlooks a lava pool^30 feet below.
    Characters who make no effort to conceal themselves
    as they approach the ledge are spotted by the creatures
    frolicking in area 40d: six lava children (see appendix
    A) and seven magma mephits. See area 40d for details.

A character who sea~ches the north wall and succeeds
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check discov-
ers that one of the spider carvings on that wall can be
detached. The carving is 6 feet off the floor, weighs^10
pounds, and acts as a plug sealing a stone tube. Remov-
ing the plug causes 250 pp to cascade out of the tube
onto the floor.

    Ropers. Three ropers are disguised as 10 -foot-tall
    pillars of rough-hewn stone that extend from floor to
    ceiling. Lying on the floor between the pillars is a key
    of bone. Set into each pillar at a height of 7 feet is a
    lidded eye fixed on the key. (These are the ropers' ac-
    tual eyes, which appear still and lifeless.)
    Frescoes. The walls are covered with faded frescoes
    that depict Underdark caverns and fungi forests.
    Teleport Trap. A teleport trap (see "Teleport Traps,"
    page 194) fills the space marked on the map.
    The 6-inch-long key is carved from a dragon's finger
    bone, and its yellow head is shaped like an H. This key
    unlocks the doors to area 39c. A similar key can be
    found in area 30b.
    The ropers remain still and hold their pillar-like
    shapes until the key is disturbed or until one or more of
    the ropers is attacked or poked in the eye, whereupon
    all three sprout tendrils and attack all other creatures in
    the room. The ropers ignore intruders otherwise, since
    Halaster keeps them well fed.

A creature teleported by this room's teleport trap arrives
at a location determined by rolling a d20 and consulting
the following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-8 The teleport trap in area Sb
9-14 The teleport trap in area 13a
15-20 The teleport trap in area 26

    This empty hallway has been broken away from the rest
    of the level by the lava-filled chasm (described i.n area
    40). Creatures in the haJI can hear the lava children
    playing in area 40b to the north.

    A crumbling ledge overlooks a great chasm brightly lit
    by a bubbling pool of Java 30 feet below. Characters who
    peer over the ledge can see several creatures frolicking
    in the lava.
    Characters who make no effort to conceal themselves
    as they cross the room are detected and attacked by the
    creatures frolicking in the pool: six lava children (see
    appendix A) and seven magma m ephits. See area 40d
    for details.

    These tunnels contain two teleport traps (see "Teleport
    Traps," page 194).

A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a location
determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the fol-
lowing table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-10 The teleport trap in area^26
11 - 20 The teleport trap in area^28

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