Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


Additional Effect: Vergadain Lives! When a creature
is teleported by this trap, a disembodied voice shouts,
"Teleported!" at the same moment the stone golem in
area 23 animates. This golem begins stalking through
nearby tunnels, attacking all other creatures it sees. If it
finds nothing to attack after prowling these tunnels for
10 minutes, it returns to its alcove and goes dormant.

A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a location
determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the fol-
lowing table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-10 The teleport trap in area 6
11 - 20 The teleport trap in area 8

    A 9-foot-tall stone gole m carved in the likeness of Ver-
    gadain, the dwarven god of luck and wealth, stands in
    this alcove with shoulders squared and a smug look
    carved into its face. Dwarves immediately recognize
    Vergadain's likeness, while other characters can deter-
    mine its identity with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
    (Religion) check. Its eyes are glittering black sapphires
    that can't be pried loose until the golem is destroyed
    (see "Treasure" below).
    The golem remains motionless until it is attacked or
    activated by the trap in area 22a. It has the following ad-
    ditional trait:
    Magic Theft. As a bonus action, the golem targets one creature
    it can see within 30 feet ofit. The target must succeed on a DC
    17 Charisma saving throw, or all magic items in its possession
    are teleported to the bottom of the pit in area 31.

Treasure. The two black sapphires embedded in the
golem's eyes are worth 5,000 gp each.

    Four githzerai have taken refuge in this corner of the
    Obstacle Course (see "Githzerai Zerths," page 193 ).
    Using psionics, they hide themselves from the scrying
    eyes of Halaster. They a lso avoid Netherskull.
    The githzerai leader, Yrlakka, is a father figure to the
    others and serves as their mentor. They attack mind
    flayers and their thralls on sight, but all other creatures
    are treated with cautious respect until they prove them-
    selves undeserving of such consideration.
    All rooms and corridors in this part of the dungeon
    have flat, 10-foot-high ceilings.

Decor. Painted stone tiles of dwarf smiths at work
once covered the walls, but most have cracked and
fallen to the floor, where they lie in small heaps of
swept-up rubble.
Scuff Marks. Scuff marks on the floor show evidence of
stone furnishings long since removed.
Characters who hold bright light sources in this room
or make a lot of noise alert the githzerai in area 24c,
who remain where they are but can't be surprised.


Teleport Trap. This trap fills a 10-foot-square section
of the passage leading to area 24d. A creature teleported
by this trap arrives at a location determined by rolling a
d20 and consulting the following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-8 The teleport trap in area 6
9 -1 6 The teleport trap in area 8
17-20 The teleport trap in area 26

Since they can't avoid the trap, the githzerai steer
clear of area 24d and the hallway that leads to it unless
they need to use the trap to escape a greater danger.

The githzerai use this chamber to sleep and meditate.
Five bedrolls are laid out on the dusty floor, one for each
githzerai (including the missing zerth).

The door to this room is ajar. Characters who approach
stealthily might overhear the githzerai speaking quietly
inside. The room's features are as follows:
Gitbzerai. Four githzerai zerths are having a hushed
conversation in the middle of the room, speaking Gith.
They stop talking and ready themselves for combat if
they detect intruders.
Arch. A stone arch is embedded in the middle of the
south wall. Carved into the arch's keystone is an im-
age of a six-fingered gauntlet.
The zerths include Yrlakka, the group's leader, and
three of his pupils: two female githzerai named Azal
and Vond, and a male named Rishindar. Yrlakka's pri-
mary concern is the safe return of his missing pupil,
Ezria, who he believes was captured while scouting the
githyanki forces on level 16. If the characters agree to
find Ezria, Yrlakka and his remaining pupils tag along
unless the characters would rather complete the quest
by themselves. If Ezria is rescued and reunited with his
companions, Yrlakka rewards the characters with the
wand in his possession (see "Treasure" below).
If the characters aren't interested in a iding the
githzerai but request help getting through the Obstacle
Course, Yrlakka tells them that the level is rigged with
many traps and guarded by a death tyrant.
Arch Gate to Le vel 17. The arch is one of Halaster's
magical gates (see "Gates," page 12). This gate's rules
are as follows:

  • The gate opens for 1 minute if a creature touches the
    arch with a six-fingered gauntlet (one can be found in
    area 14b).

  • Characters must be 1 4th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).
    A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 7a on level 17, in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.
    The githzerai have correctly deduced that a six-fin-
    gered gauntlet is required to activate the gate but don't
    know where to find such an item. (The characters can lo-

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