Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

Treasure. The dead dwarf was an adventuring rogue
named Xelba Shunlight. She clutches a shortsword and
wears torn and bloody studded leather armor, as well as
a dungeoneer's pack (with no rations), a mess kit, a min-
er's pick, and a random trinket (roll on the Trinkets table
in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook). Tied to her waist
is a hide pouch that contains a figurine of wondrous
power (onyx dog).

A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a location
determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the fol-
lowing table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-8 The teleport trap in area^6
9-14 The teleport trap in area^10
15 - 20 The teleport trap in area 24a

These dwarven vaults were looted long ago. The heavy
iron vault doors have all been warped and pulled away
from their frames, and they can no longer be closed.

A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a location
determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the fol-
lowing table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1-8 The teleport trap in area 1
9-20 The teleport trap in area^8

The lead door that once secured this room has been
torn open with such force that it's bent and hanging
from a single hinge.
This vault was plundered long ago. The^10 -foot-high
walls are lined with stone bricks veined with gold. A few
of the bricks have come loose, revealing thin sheets of
lead behind them. These lead sheets are designed to
prevent magical senses from piercing the vault.

The lead door that once secured this room is bent
inward at the bottom, creating a 3-foot-high triangu-
lar hole through which Medium and smaller crea-
tures can fit.
Like area 36b, this vault was plundered long ago. The
10-foot-high walls are lined with obsidian bricks, behind
which are thin sheets of lead designed to keep magical
senses from peering inside.

Door. The lead door that once secured this room has
been torn off its hinges and lies on the floor.
Chasm. The southwest corner of the chamber has fallen
away, revealing a lava-filled chasm (see area 40).
The lava children in area 40b like to climb up to this
room and leap off the edge into the lava below. If the
characters didn't deal with the lava children already,
they might encounter one or more of them here.

    This cavern has a jagged, 20-foot-high ceiling. The floor
    is smooth and level except for a sloping tunnel that de-
    scends to level 16.
    In the middle of the cave stands a life-size statue of
    Halaster with lidless eyes carved into its flowing robe.
    The statue is a Medium object with AC 17,^45 hit points,
    and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A char-
    acter can topple the statue with a successful DC^15
    Strength (Athletics) check.

    Zombies. The stench of death fills this 20-foot-high cav-
    ern, which contains forty zombies in various states of
    decay. They shamble about aimlessly.
    Sinkhole. A 70-foot-deep sinkhole has formed near the
    east wall.
    The zombies are the remains of humanoids killed by
    Netherskull and animated by its Negative Energy Cone.
    They include several humans and dwarves, as well as
    a few elves, drow, tiefiings, quaggoths, duergar, hob-
    goblins, troglodytes, and githyanki. Until Netherskull
    summons them, the zombies remain here and attack
    intruders on sight. You can expedite combat by dividing
    the zombies into mobs of ten or fewer and using the mob
    rules in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Adventurers who explore this area are doomed to face
Netherskull the death tyrant if they haven't done so al-
ready. Netherskull can't be surprised in its lair.

Hanging from the 30-foot-high, domed ceiling by three
iron chains is a 6-foot-diameter carved stone beholder.
Netherskull carved the statue using its carefully
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