Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Four githyanki gish (see appendix A) are encased in
transparent crystal stalactites in areas 2, 3, and 6. While
encased, these githyanki remain aware of their surround-
ings but don't require air, food, or water. Until the crystal
around them is destroyed, they can't be targeted by at-
tacks or subjected to magical effects. Moreover, they are
restrained and can't use their War Magic feature or make
longsword attacks. They cast spells through the crystal as
though it wasn't there.
Each crystal stalactite is a Large inanimate object with
AC 15, 80 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
damage. A stalactite reduced to 0 hit points shatters,
freeing the githyanki within. A githyanki whose stalactite
is destroyed is no longer restrained by it and falls into the
pit of silvery mist below it, whereupon it returns to the
Astral Plane.

Straw Dummies. Five freestanding straw dummies
with the rough forms of mind flayers (marked X on
map 16) stand north of the pit.
Creatures that fall into the pit are immediately trans-
ported to the Astral Plane (see chapter 2 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for more information).
Githyanki warriors use the straw dummies as targets
in combat training exercises. Each is a Medium object

with AC 10, (^10) hit points, immunity to poison and psy-
chic damage, and vulnerability to fire damage.
Crystal Stalactite. A 10-foot-long crystal stalactite
hangs above a pit filled with silvery mist. Encased in
the stalactite is Surlock, a male githyanki gish (see
appendix A for statistics; see also the "Crystal Stalac-
tites" sidebar).
Knight and Dragon. Near the eastern edge of the pit, a
female githyanki knight named Deslarr sits astride
Ashranthax, a female young r ed dragon.
If they are not alerted to the characters' presence,
Deslarr and the dragon chat in Draconic about how
many illithids they must kill to prove themselves worthy
of "Al'chaia's magic books." They fight to the death.
Creatures that fall into the pit are immediately trans-
ported to the Astral Plane (see chapter 2 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for more information).
Treasure. Deslarr carries a Stardock rod (see "Star-
dock Rods," page 214). Her plate armor is set with
eight black jaspers (50 gp each) and eight amber gem-
stones (100 gp each).
Ten beds with pale white crystal frames are set along
the walls. At any given time, ten githyanki warriors are
resting in this area. If they have not been alerted, the
githyanki are asleep when the characters arrive. They
are hostile toward intruders and fight to the death.


The crystal doors to this room are magically locked, but
they open automatically for any creature that carries a
Stardock rod (see "Stardock Rods," page 214). There


are no physical locks to be picked, but a knock spell or
similar magic also opens a door.
Magic wards in the room prevent any creature from
teleporting into or out of it.

A mind flayer named Marquox uses its levitate spell to
float in the center of this otherwise empty room. It was
captured while it searched this level for its companions,
Tel'zact and Yeluit (see area 29c).
Marquox doesn't know why the githyanki are keeping
it alive, but it knows it won't survive long in their cap-
tivity. If the characters don't attack it at once, Marquox
proposes a deal. If they free it and help it rescue its com-
panions, Marquox guarantees the party safe passage
through level 17. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight)
check reveals that the illithid has no intention of making
good on its promise. If the githzerai zerths from level
15 are with the party, they refuse to help the mind flayer
and insist that the characters kill it. If the characters
choose Marquox over them, the githzerai abandon the
party and withdraw to level 15.
Marquox knows about Stardock but has never visited
the asteroid. It also knows that the gate to Stardock is in
area 11 , and that a black crystal rod is needed to activate
it. If the characters allow it, Marquox follows them to
Stardock, fighting alongside them until it reunites with
its kin. At that point, the mind flayers either turn against
the party (if the characters appear weak) or lure the
characters to the mind flayer colony on level 17 , where
Extremiton (the colony's ulitharid leader) can decide
what to do with them.

    The githyanki knocked down several walls to create this
    chamber, and much of the debris remains.

Crystal Stalactite. A 10-foot-long crystal stalactite
hangs above a pit filled with silvery mist. Encased in
the stalactite is Mirrk, a female githyanki gish (see
appendix A for statistics; see also "Crystal Stalac-
tites," page 212).
Guards. Unless they have been lured elsewhere, six
githyanki warriors (three females and three males)
stand guard around the edge of the pit in the squares
marked Won map 16.
The warriors speak in Gith about their dislike of
Al'chaia and their respect for Urion. They are hostile to-
ward intruders and fight until three or more of them fall,
whereupon the remaining warriors retreat to area 7 or
dive into the pit.
Creatures that fall into the pit are immediately trans-
ported to the Astral Plane (see chapter 2 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for more information).

The north wall of this chamber hums and glows purple.
A detect magic spell reveals an aur~ of divination magic
radiating from the wall. Any creature that spends 1 min-
ute touching the wall can cast the scrying spell targeting
the ulitharid on level 17, using the wall as a focus. A
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