Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
A Stardock rod is a 1-foot-long black crystal rod that is
needed to open the magic gate in area^11 and its corre-
sponding gate in area l 2a. A Stardock rod weighs 1 pound,
radiates an aura of conjuration magic under the scrutiny of
a detect magic spell, and has no other magical properties.

magic gate remains open while the rod is in place and
closes 1 minute after the rod is removed from the ped-
estal. While the gate is open, creatures in this room can
clearly see into area 12a, and vice versa.
The pedestal and the archway are impervious to dam-
age, and the red crystals embedded in the arch can't be
removed. The first time a creature tries to pry a crystal
from the arch, a random elder rune appears above the
pedestal, targets a random creature within^60 feet of it,
then disappears (see "Elder Runes," page 12). Deter-
mine the elder rune randomly by drawing a card from
the Elder Runes Deck (see appendix B).


All area descriptions for this location are keyed
to map 16.
Originally carved by dragons, the asteroid known as
Stardock orbits the planet Toril- one of hundreds that
form the asteroid belt known as the Tears of Seh1ne.
Over ages, illithids, undead mages, and spacefaring
pirates have fought over and expanded Stardock's halls,
but the asteroid was long abandoned by the time the
githyanki and their red dragon allies moved in. The as-
teroid's features are as follows:

  • The restrictions on magic in Undermountain don't ap-
    ply here, since Stardock is outside the dungeon.

  • Interior areas are brightly lit by continual flame spells
    c~st on crumbling stone wall sconces.

  • Tunnels have 20-foot-high arched ceilings, and rooms
    have flat 25-foot-high ceilings, unless otherwise noted.
    Staircases are carved out of solid rock and are 30 feet
    high and 30 feet long. Walls and ceilings are roughly
    hewn, and floors are smooth.

  • The asteroid magically generates breathable air that
    fills Stardock's interior and extends out^120 feet from
    the asteroid. Beyond this range is the airless void of
    space. A creature can survive in space for a number of
    rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1
    round) before it dies.

  • The temperature inside the asteroid's air envelope is
    70 degrees Fahrenheit unless otherwise noted.

  • An invisible gravity plane cuts through the asteroid
    along its equator, as illustrated in the Side View of the
    asteroid on map 16. Creatures and objects inside the
    asteroid's air envelope fall toward this gravity plane.
    Creatures and objects inside the asteroid fall toward
    the floor, as normal.

  • There are no cardinal directions (north, south, east,
    or west) in Stardock or in space, and compasses don't
    function here.
    Creatures can propel themselves through space
    using magic such as Ry spells, but wings and other
    nonmagical means of propulsion are useless in the fric-
    tionless void.


    Ashtyrranthor and her six children make their home
    here. Magic keeps the temperature at 120 degrees Fahr-
    enheit throughout these chambers, making it perfect for
    the dragons' comfort. Characters who stay in this area
    for more than 1 hour suffer the effects of extreme heat
    (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Ceiling. This room has a 30-foot-high, domed ceiling.
Scales. The floor is littered with red dragon scales.
Gate to the Crystal Labyrinth. A stone arch set with
glowing red crystals is embedded in the back wall of
an alcove.
Pedestal. Rising from the floor^10 feet in front of the
arch is a 3-foot-high pedestal made of red crystal with
a small hole in the top.
Inserting a Stardock rod (see the "Stardock Rods,"
sidebar) into the hole in the pedestal creates an open
doorway inside the arch that leads to area 11. The
pedestal and archway are otherwise identical to those
in area 11.
Any character who examines the scales and succeeds
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check realizes that the
scales came from multiple owners. Most were shed by
an adult red dragon, while a few were cast off by one or
more young red dragons.

Tapestries. Two beautiful tapestries hang on the walls.
Carving. Carved into the floor is a stylized, IS-foot-di-
ameter disk-shaped engraving of Tiamat, her five chro-
matic dragon heads spewing their breath weapons.
One tapestry depicts Tiamat combating twelve storm
giants. The other shows Tiamat battling a bearded and
bloodied old man in wizard robes with seven golden
canaries circling his head. A character who succeeds
on a DC^15 Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the
old man as a representation of Bahamut, the god of good
dragons, in human form, and the seven canaries as his
polymorphed gold dragon advisors.
Treasure. Each tapestry is 20 feet on a side, weighs
25 pounds, and is worth 750 gp intact.

Lava Curtain. A 30-foot-wide curtain of lava along one
wall drains into a pool 1 foot deep, 30 feet long, and
10 feet wide. A secret door stands behind the lava cur-
tain, opening into area 12d. The characters can't open
or pass through the secret door without coming into
contact with the lava.
Eggs. Six red-speckled dragon eggs sit in the lava pool.
The lava curtain is created magically but is not itself
magical. A creature that enters the lava for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 55 (lOdlO)
fire damage.
Each egg is 4 feet tall, hollow, and 500 pounds. A
character who inspects the eggs closely and succeeds on
a DC^12 Intelligence (Investigation) check realizes that
they are fakes made of polished stone.
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