Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


Lava Pool. The entire floor is a 1-foot-deep pool of lava.
The lava is created magically but is not itself magical.
A creature that enters the lava floor for the first time
on a turn or starts its turn there takes 55 (lOdlO)
fire damage.
Egg. A red-speckled dragon egg rests in the lava near
the chamber's curved wall.
The red dragon egg stands 4 feet high and weighs
250 pounds. To properly develop, the egg must spend
another six months in an environment of extreme
heat. When the egg hatches, a red dragon wyrmling
emerges. The wyrmling is loyal to no one except itself.
If the characters steal the egg, Ashtyrranthor and every
other dragon of her line will hunt the characters until
the egg is recovered.

Loud noises in this area alert the denizens of areas
12f and 13, who remain where they are but can't be
Illusion. A 20-foot-wide, 4-foot-high pile of coins, jewels,
and art objects lies on the floor in the 20-foot-square
area marked on map 16. The treasure pile is an il-
lusion that can be dispelled (DC^16 ). A detect magic
spell reveals its illusory nature. The treasure has no
substance, so any physical interaction with the pile
also reveals that it's an illusion.
Scales. The floor around the treasure pile is littered
with cast-off red dragon scales.
Statues. Two 20-foot-tall, gilded statues of dragons of
an unknown type stand along one wall.
Characters who examine the scales can tell that they
came from a red dragon. A character who succeeds on
a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check realizes that the
scales came from multiple dragons. Most were shed by
an adult red dragon, while a few were cast off by one or
more young red dragons.
The ancient statues testify to the unknown draconic
creators of this chamber. They are impervious to
damage, which prevents any of their gold leaf from be-
ing removed.

The characters hear the strumming of a lute (see area
13) as they approach this rough-hewn cave, the contents
of which are as follows:
Hoard. An enormous pile of coins and gems fills
this chamber. Sleeping under this hoard are two
male young red dragons named Blazutranc and
Tunnel. A wide tunnel strewn with cast-off red d ragon
scales breaks through the outer shell of the asteroid
and forms a ledge overlooking the planet Toril.
Blazutranc and Meteoranzym are slumbering beneath
the treasure pile. Characters who approach quietly
and s ucceed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check
spot the gleaming red scales of the dragons beneath
the treasure. When they become aware of intruders,
the dragons fight until one of them is reduced to 60 hit

points, whereupon they both leave the asteroid in search
of their mother, Ashtyrranthor.
Treasure. The hoard consists of 249,280 cp, 121,472
sp, 11 ,3 02 ep, 6,025 gp, 200 pp, two ambers (100 gp
each), four coral branches (25 0 gp each), two spinels
(100 gp each), three bloodstones (SO gp each), five hema-
tites (10 gp each), an old painting of a dwarf miner (25
gp), and a bear mask made of jade (250 gp).

  1. jERATH'S Qu_A_R_T_E_RS ____
    Characters who heard the strumming lute in area 12f
    can follow the music to this chamber, which contains
    the following:
    jeratb. J erath, a blinded githyanki knight with no eyes
    or armor (AC 12), sits in a chair strumming a lute. His
    greatsword leans against a wall within easy reach.
    Furnishings. A lavish wood-framed bed stands near the
    wall across from four 2-foot-high, 6-inch-wide window
    s lits. By peering through the slits, one can see the
    s tarry void of s pace beyond.
    Jerath lost his eyes in a battle against the ulitharid on
    display in a rea 9. He saved Ashtyrranthor's life when
    she was a wyrmling, and she has cared for him since
    his injury. Characters who speak Gith and succeed on a
    DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check can convincejerath
    that they are githyanki.Jerath shares any information
    he knows with fellow githyan ki, including the layout
    of Stardock, the unhappiness of the young dragon In-
    fernexus, and Al'chaia's cruelty.
    lfJerath believes the characters are not gitbyanki, he
    tries to keep them in this area with conversation or a
    song. He knows that Ashtyrranthor crawls by the win-
    dow s lits once every 10 minutes to check on him. If she
    sees or smells intruders inJerath's presence, she storms
    into area 12f, makes her way here, and dispatches them.

    The unhappiest of Ashtyrranthor's brood, a male young
    red dragon named Infernexus, claims this chamber as
    his lair. The dragon s leeps across from the door under-
    neath four 2 -foot-hi gh, 6-inch-wide window slits that
    peer into the s tarry void.
    Ashtyrranthor's youngest child is miserable on Star-
    dock. He is eager to leave the asteroid and begin life on
    his own, but his mother insists he help the githyanki. So
    he spends most of his time here, sleeping or darkly star-
    ing out into space.
    If the characters do not attack him at once, Infernexus
    proposes a deal. He helps them achieve their goals in
    the asteroid if they promise to kill his mother and help
    him carve out a lai r for himself in Undermountain. He's
    very particular and doesn't consider any lair other than
    the Twisted Caverns (level 4) suitable. If a deal is struck,
    Infernexus becomes the characters' loyal companion for
    ldlO days. But if they haven't gotten the dragon to the
    Twisted Caverns by then, he betrays them.
    If the characters attack Infernexus or refuse his deal,
    he fights until reduced to 100 hit points or fewer. He
    then screams for his mother, who hears the call and ar-
    rives at the window slits ld4 + 1 rounds later.

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