Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

    Githyanki children are brought to the creche to grow,
    train, and s tudy in these connected caverns.

If the characters make any loud noise here, the
githyanki knight in area 15b investigates. This cavern
has the following features:
Straw Dummies. Straw dummies crafted to resemble
mind flayers stand near the center of the chamber.
Appa ratus. A large climbing apparatus made of black
s teel is mounted to one wall.
Inscriptions. Gith inscriptions cover the remaining
walls. (They recount crimes perpetrated by the githze-
rai and the mind flayers against the githyanki.)
The straw dummies a re used for combat practice.
Each is a Medium object with AC^10 , 10 hit points, im-
munity to poison and psychic damage, and vulnerability
to fire damage.

A male githyanki knight named Kaaltav dwells in this
area. If not a lready alerted, the knight sleeps in a can-
opied four-poster and wakes at any loud noise. If he is
alerted, the knight moves to area 15a to keep intruders
from harming the children in area 15c.
Treasure. Kaaltav's plate armor is set with six zircons
(50 gp each) and six violet garnets (100 gp each).

Twenty githyanki children (noncombatants) sleep in
small stone-framed beds in this room. Any movement
in the room wakes ld6 of them, who see the characters
and shout out in alarm. The githyanki knight in area 15b
arrives 1 round later as the other young awake. While
the knight fights the characters, the githyanki young run
throughout the creche and raise the alarm.

Infant githyanki are brought to the creche shortly af-
ter birth and raised in this nursery until they are old
enough to undertake their training.

Children. Forty githyanki infants (noncombatants) sleep
in crystal cradles arranged in five rows of eight.
Window Slits. Four 2-foot-long, 6-inch-wide window
slits reveal the starry void of space beyond.
A creature moving through this chamber must suc-
ceed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) c heck to avoid wak-
ing the sleeping infants. On a failed check, or if any loud
noise occurs in this area, the infant githyanki wake and
begin to cry. Both githyanki knights in area 16b investi-
gate quickly.
Ashtyrranthor crawls by the window slits once every
10 minutes to check on the area. If she sees intruders
here but the infant githyanki appear safe, she holds off
attacking for fear of harming them. As soon as the in-
truders move into another area of Stardock, the dragon
uses her magic or her burrowing speed to enter the as-
teroid and attack them.


Two githyank i knights, a male named Ir'rigo and a fe-
male named Kritinaya, sleep in wooden beds against the
walls. Any loud noise wakes the knights, who fight to the
death against intruders.
Treasure. Ir'rigo's plate a rmor is set with six orange
carnelians (50 gp each) and six amethysts (100 gp each).
Kritinaya's plate armor is set with eight lapis lazuli gem-
stones (50 gp each) and two blue spinels (5 00 gp each).

Gish live and train in this section of Creche K'liir.

Furnishings. Six cushioned chairs form a circle around
a brazier of purple fire at the center of the room.
Gish. A female githyanki gis h (see appendix A) named
Vheza sits in one chair, reading a tome.
If Vheza sees intruders, she flees to area 17b with her
book and makes her stand there.
Treasure. The book that Vheza is reading is written
in Gith and titled The Ascension of Vlaakith. It chroni-
cles Vlaakith the Lich-Queen's rise to power in githyanki
society and postulates that her absolute rulership would
have been impossible had she not mastered arcane
magic. The book also discusses the importance of wiz-
ardry as a githyanki tool for defeating their enemies and
conquering the multiverse. The tome is worth^50 gp.

Bed s. Six beds framed in white metal stand in a row
down the center of the rough-walled room.
Gis h. Two female githyanki gish (see appendix A)
named Evir and Hraznin sit on beds and debate the
finer points of magic. Each gish uses a crystal orb as
an arcane focus and fights to the death.
Window S lits. Four 2-foot-long, 6-inch-wide window
slits offer views of stars, the planet Tori I, and the occa-
sional spectacular sunrise.

The scorched remains of straw dummies crafted to re-
semble illithids are scattered around this rough-walled
octagonal room. Burn marks from spell training cover
the walls, floor, and ceiling.

The githyanki keep a modest library of books and maps
on shelves carved into the asteroid's rock walls. These
shelves run from the floor to the 15-foot-high ceiling of
each chamber. Most githyanki use mage hand to reach
higher shelves, but a character can climb a shelf with a
successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.

The walls of this cavern and the two columns that sup-
port the roof are lined with books. All the volumes here
are in Gith and concern the githyanki's history battling
illithids and githzerai (see the "Gith" entry in the Mon-
ster Manual).
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