Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
of Undermountain, which is optimized for
four characters of 17th level or higher. Char-
acters who defeat the monsters on this level
s hould gain enough XP to reach 20th level.

Who Dwells Here?

In addition to Halaster, two of the Mad Mage's appren-
tices reside on this level: Arcturia and Trobriand.


If the adventurers have made their way to this level,
Halas ter is equal parts impressed and curious. He is
ready to grant the characters an audience, having kept
an eye on their progress. True to the nature that earned
him the moniker "Mad Mage," Halaster's demeanor
toward the characters can change on a whim. He might
alternate between seeming furious, baffled, annoyed,
amused- or simply bored, depending on what the char-
acters have accomplished before reaching this level. See
appendix A for more in formation on the Mad Mage.
If the characters and their actions support Halaster's
current goal (see "Halaster's Goals," page 11), the
Mad Mage is not necessarily hostile. For example, if
his primary goal is to find an apprentice, Halaster has
kept an eye on any a rcane s pellcasters in the party. He
might s uggest that those characters prove their worth
by surviving the Mad Wizard's Lair and "freeing up" an
apprenticeship by eliminating Arcturia or Trobriand. If
this is done, Halas ter is willing to take on an appropriate

character as a new apprentice. Halaster has no senti-
mental attachment toward his apprentices, and he often
enjoys secretly tormenting them.

Arcturia is a lich and a master of transmutation magic.
She has altered her form dramatically over the years,
now appearing more alive than undead. Gossamer
wings sprout from her shoulders, and bone spurs jut
from her forearms and elbows.
If the characters destroyed her phylactery on level 14,
Arcturia attacks them on sight. She has no beef with
them otherwise.

Trobriand specializes in the creation of magical con-
structs. Characters who have passed through the upper
levels might have encountered some of his creations.
Fed up with the frailty of the flesh, Trobriand has
transferred his spirit into the body of a specially pre-
pared iron golem. This merging of spirit and metal has
done nothing to improve his sanity, however.

The Dungeon

Locations in the dungeon portion of this level (areas 1
through 21) a re keyed to map 23. No tunnels or stair-
cases connect this dungeon complex to the upper levels
of Undermountain. Characters arrive in area 1 after
passing through a gate in Shadowdusk Hold (area 35 on
level 22).

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