Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Werebats. Twelve goblin werebats (see appendix A) in
humanoid form congregate here. Eleven of them are
seated around the twelfth, who is standing and tell-
ing a story.
Drawings. Crude chalk drawings cover the walls.
The stick-figure chalk drawings on the walls tell the
story of a goblin tribe that became infected with werebat
lycanthropy in the Underdark and the tribe's subsequent
ordeals. Any character who studies the chalk drawings
and succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can
ascertain as much. Among the drawings are crude ren-
derings of the green dragon Valdemar, the archdruid
Wyllow, and her tree-like tower.
One werebat points to specific drawings as it recalls
the story of how the goblin tribe found sanctuary in
Undermountain, hid from the green dragon, and made
peace with the archdruid Wyllow. Story time ends as
soon as intruders are detected. Six of the werebats as-
sume hybrid form before attacking.

This cave contains two goblin werebats (see appendix
A) in humanoid form, as well as seven of their young.
The young werebats are noncombatants worth 0 XP.
Each has AC 8 and 1 hit point, ability scores of 5, and
immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing dam-
age from weapons that aren't silvered. They also have
the Shapechanger trait common to all werebats, but
their only other form is that of a Tiny bat.
If the nursery comes under attack, the adults defend
the young. If the adults are slain, the children turn into
bats and flee.

Werebats. Two goblin werebats (see appendix A) in hu-
manoid form stand guard near the cave entrance.
Chests. At each end of the cave is a wooden chest so
packed with "treasure" that its lid can't be closed.
Treasure. The chest at the east end of the cave con-
tains a beaten copper tankard (10 gp), a crowbar, a set
of manacles, a bar of soap, five wooden holy symbols of
Malar, a shoddy cloak made from a brown bear's pelt,
and ten bleached human skulls.
The chest at the south end of the cave holds a rusty
steel gauntlet with fingers ending in claws, a boar's tusk
set with semiprecious stones (50 gp), a priest's pack
without the rations, and a random trinket (roll on the
Trinkets table in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook).

  1. VooL's REFUGE

Two narrow tunnels above the river's shoreline lead to a
cave usually occupied by a lonely goblin werebat named
Vool. The characters might encounter him prior to find-
ing this cave (see "Wandering Monsters," page 70).
Vool's cave is littered with the bones of birds, rats, and
fish, as well as the exsanguinated corpses of a badger
and a small deer.


All of the buildings in Wyllowwood's village (areas 18 -24)
are equipped with wall-mounted, glass-bottled gas lamps
fueled by natural gas vents under the village, along with
plumbing connected to the underground river nearby. The
gas lamps are turned on and off by stone switches on the
walls near the doors. Iron faucets control the flow of hot
and cold water through iron pipes to sinks and bathtubs.

A character who searches the cave for treasure and
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check finds
a small leather pouch buried under a pile of offal. It con-
tains Vool's accumulated wealth: 9 cp, 4 sp, a Harper
cloak pin made of tarnished platinum (25 gp), and a
leather boot. The boot detects as magical and is one of
two boots of elven kind; however, it's useless without its
mate (see level 4, area 16a).

    This long, windowless stone building contains several
    apartments formerly occupied by high-ranking priests
    of Malar, god of the hunt. Stone doors throughout are fit-
    ted with locks, though they're unlocked at present. The
    building has various amenities (see the "Lighting and
    P lumbing" sidebar).
    Heaped around the building are broken swords,
    dented helms, and torn metal armor. After the green
    dragon killed the cultists of Malar, Wyllow stripped the
    corpses of their metal gear, piled the offensive material
    here as a warning of sorts, and dragged the bodies to
    area 7 to rot.

The goblin werebats have thoroughly ransacked this
room, where priests of Malar once displayed trophies of
their hunts and meted out punishment to those who had
failed them. The room contains the following:
Wreckage. Overturned and broken shelves and ta-
bles lie on the floor along with piles of old rugs and
bleached human skulls.
Stuffed Owlbear. A stuffed owlbear stands on its hind
legs in the south corner, glaring ferociously.
Empty Closet. A narrow door in the eastern corner of
the room leads to a small chamber, the walls of which
are lined with empty hooks.

Furnishings. This room contains four narrow wooden
beds draped in dusty quilts and cobwebs. Next to each
bed is a nightstand filled with unlit tapers.
Bathrooms. Abutting the larger chamber are two small
rooms, each one equipped with a working sink, toilet,
and bathtub, all carved from stone and fitted with
rusty iron fixtures.

Once the lodgings of the high priest of the cult of Malar,
this apartment consists of a spacious bedroom and an
equally impressive bathroom accessible from within.
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