Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Got It? 3. a. A building is 1450 ft tall. How m any m eters tall is th e building? Use the
fact th a t l m ~ 3.28 ft.
b. M onetary exchange rates change from day to day. On a particu lar day, the
exchange rate for dollars to euros was ab o u t 1 dollar = 0.63 euro. About
how m any euros could you get for $325 on th a t day?

You can also convert rates. For example, you can convert a speed in m iles p er h o u r
to feet p er second. B ecause rates com pare m easures in two different units, you m ust
m ultiply by two conversion factors to change b o th of th e units.

Converting Rates
A student ran the 50-yd dash in 5.8 s. At what speed did the student run in
miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

The ru n n in g speed in yards
per second

The ru n n in g speed in
miles per hour

i:; ic a n ,
Write the speed as a ratio. Choose
conversion factors so th a t the original
units (yards and seconds) divide out,
leaving you w ith the units you need
(miles and hours).

5 0 y d 1 m i
5.8^r ' 1760 y d
180,000 m i


17.6 m i/h Simplify.

Divide common units.

10,208 h

The stu d en t ran at a speed of ab o u t 17.6 m i/h.

Got It? 4. a. An athlete ran a sprint of 100 ft in 3.1 s. At w hat speed was th e athlete
ru n n in g in m iles p e r hour? R ound to th e n ea rest m ile p e r hour,
b. Reasoning In Problem 4, one stu d en t m ultiplied by th e conversion
factors1760 y d ' 1 m in 1 m i
Why or why not?

60 s , an d 601™n to find th e speed. Can this m eth o d work?

118 Ch ap t er 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s

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