Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

nIJP' Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises PRACTICES

Practice The figures in each pair are similar. Identify the corresponding sides and angles. See Problem 1.

6. A ABC ~ A DEF

  1. FGHI ~ KLMN

The figures in each pair are similar. Find the missing length.

8- 18 x 9 -

  1. Bridges In th e diagram of th e park,
    AADF ~ ABCF. The crosswalk at
    point A is ab o u t 20 yd long. A bridge
    across the p o n d will be built, from
    point B to po in t C. W hat will th e length
    of th e bridge be? F D
    h*— 50 y d — H
    h— —--------- 120 yd

The scale of a map is 1 c m : 15 km. Find the actual distance corresponding to
each map distance.

See Problem 2.

<£> S e e P r o b l e m 3.

  1. 2.5 cm 14. 0.2 cm 15. 15 cm 16. 4.6 cm

  2. Movies A professional m odel-m aker is building a giant scale m odel of a See Problem 4.
    h o u se fly to b e u sed in a science fiction film. An actual fly is ab o u t 0.2 in. long w ith a
    w ingspan of ab o u t 0.5 in. The m odel fly for the movie will be 27 ft long. W hat will its
    wingspan be?

  3. Maps Abbottsville an d Broken B ranch are 175 mi apart. On a map, th e distance
    b etw een th e two tow ns is 2.5 in. W hat is th e scale of the m ap?

134 Ch ap t er 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s
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