0 Challenge 29. Carpentry A c a rp en ter is building a tabletop from a sketch. The sketch shows a
parallelogram w ith side lengths 2 in. a n d 3 in. Also, th e sketch specifies th a t the
sides of th e finished tabletop should b e 4 ft an d 6 ft. Can th e ca rp en ter be certain
th a t the finished tabletop will be a sim ilar parallelogram? Explain.
- Painting You have a painting th at is 30 in. w ide an d 22.5 in. tall. You w ould like
to reproduce it on a sh eet of p ap e r th a t m easures 8 \ in. by 11 in., leaving at least a
1 -in. m argin on all four sides.
a. W hat scale should you use if you keep th e sh eet of p a p e r in th e n o rm al upright
orientation? Assum e th a t th e re p ro d u ctio n will be as large as possible.
b. W hat scale should you use if you tu rn th e p ap e r on its side?
Apply What You've Learned
Look back at th e inform ation a b o u t th e m onorail o n page 79. The scale draw ing
of the m onorail route is show n again below.
Airport Monorail Route
Parking garage Terminal ATerminal BTrain station^
36 in.
Sc a l e : 3 i n. = 5 0 0 f t
a. Write a p ro p o rtio n th at you can use to find th e total distance th e m onorail travels
from th e parking garage to th e train station.
b. D eterm ine th e total distance th e m onorail travels from th e parking garage to the
train station. Explain how you know th a t your answ er is reasonable.
c. W hat is th e distance th e m onorail travels from Term inal B to th e train station?
Find th e length th a t represents this distance in th e scale draw ing on th e airport's
inform ation board.
136 Ch ap t er 2 So lvin g Eq u at i o n s