Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
•fjscommended VHamin^.
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mg per day)

Make sense ofthe problem first. (^) -Riboflavin Niacin
Develop a plan fo r
solving it.
Getting Ready!
Some recommended daily intakes of
vitamins are shown. Carrie consumed
10 mg o f niacin to d ay. H er b ro th e r
consumed 11 mg of niacin. Who
consumed th e g re a te r p ercent of
th e ir recommended intake? How do
you know?
@ Common Core State Standards
Prepares for N-Q.A.3 Choose a level o f accuracy
appropriate to lim itations on measurement when
reporting quantities.
MP 1, MP 2, MP3, MP4
Objectives To solve p ercen t problem s using p roportions
To solve p ercen t problem s using th e p ercen t e quation
The problem in th e Solve It involves percents. P ercents are useful b ecause they
standardize com parisons to a c o m m o n b ase of 100. In this lesson, you will solve percent
problem s in a variety of ways.
Es se n t i a l U n d e r s t a n d i n g You ca n solve p roblem s involving percen ts using
eith er p roportions or th e p ercen t equation, w hich are closely related. If you write a
p ercen t as a fraction, you can use a p ro p o rtio n to solve a p ercen t problem.
Key Concept The Percent Proportion
You can rep resen t “a is p p ercen t of b” using the p ercen t p ro p o rtio n show n below.
In th e p roportion, b is th e base, an d a is a p a r t of base b.
Algebra | where b # 0 Model
Example W hat p ercen t of 50 is 25?
?t- p Number-*- 0 25
Per cen t 0 % p % 100 %
V ......
(m xam m m i Lesson 2-9 Percents □^137

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