Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Got It? 5. Reasoning If th e gift box’s dim ensions in Problem 5 were m easu red to the
n ea rest h alf inch, how w ould th e greatest possible error be affected?

Lesso n Ch eck

Do you kn o w HO W?

  1. Running Last year, an athlete's average tim e to ru n
    a mile was 6 m in 13 s. This year, the athlete's average
    tim e is 6 m in 5 s. W hat is th e percent decrease?

  2. Cars A used-car dealership buys a car for $2800 and
    th e n sells it for $4500. W hat is th e p ercen t increase?

  3. Horses A veterinarian m easures a h orse to be 7.5
    ft tall at the shoulder to th e n ea rest half foot. W hat
    are the m inim um an d m axim um possible heights of
    the horse?

D o y o u U N D E R S T A N D? PRACTICES

  1. Vo cab ular y D eterm ine w h e th e r each situation
    involves a p ercen t increase or a p ercen t decrease.
    a. A h at th a t originally costs $12 sold for $9.50.
    b. You buy a CD for $10 an d sell it for $ 8.
    c. A store buys glasses w holesale for $2 p er glass. The
    store sells th em for $4.50.

  2. Reasoning W hat is th e greatest possible error of a
    m easu rem en t taken to the n ea rest te n th of a m eter?

  3. W r i t i n g How is calculating p ercen t increase different
    from calculating p ercen t decrease?

Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses

Pr act i ce


Tell whether each percent change is an increase or decrease. Then find
the percent change. Round to the nearest percent.

  1. original amount: 12
    new amount: 18

  2. original am ount: 7.5
    new am ount: 9.5

  3. original am ount: 14,500
    new am ount: 22,320

8. o r i g i n a l a m o u n t : 9
new amount: 6

  1. original am ount: 40.2
    new am ount: 38.6

  2. original am o u n t: 195.50
    new am ount: 215.25

4^ See Problem s 1 and 2.

  1. original amount: 15
    new amount: 14

  2. original am o u n t: 2008
    new am ount: 1975

  3. original am ount: 1325.60
    new am o u n t: 1685.60

  4. Em ploym ent An em ployee was h ired at a w age of $8 p e r hour. After a raise, the
    em ployee ea rn ed $8.75 p er hour. W hat was the p ercen t increase?

  5. Clim at e On June 1, 2007, th ere were ab o u t 18.75 h of daylight in Anchorage,
    Alaska. On N ovem ber 1, 2007, th ere w ere ab o u t 8.5 h of daylight. W hat was the
    percent decrease?

Find the percent error in each estimation. Round to the nearest percent.

  1. You estim ate th at your friend’s little b ro th er is ab o u t 8 years old. He is actually
    6.5 years old.

  2. You estim ate th a t your school is ab o u t 45 ft tall. Your school is actually 52 ft tall.

Se e Pr o b l em 3.

148 Ch ap t er 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s

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