Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A measurement is given. Find the minimum and maximum possible

  1. A doctor m easures a p a tie n t’s w eight as 162 lb to th e n ea rest pound.

  2. An ostrich egg has a m ass of 1.1 kg to th e n ea rest te n th of a kilogram.

  3. The length of an onion cell is 0.4 m m to th e n ea rest te n th of a millimeter.

See Pr o b l em 4.

  1. Geom et ry The table below shows th e m easu red d im ensions of a p rism an d th e Se e Pr o b l em 5.
    m inim um a n d m axim um possible d im ensions b ased on th e greatest possible error.
    W hat is th e greatest possible p ercen t error in finding th e volum e of th e prism?

Length Width U 2 I,.;;
Measured 10 6 4
Minimum 9.5

. ii,!■ r 1 „
5.5 3.5
Maximum 10.5 6.5 4.5
24. Geom et ry The side lengths of th e rectangle at th e right have b e e n m easu red
to the n ea rest half of a meter, as shown. W hat is th e greatest possible percent
error in finding the area of th e rectangle?

Find the percent change. Round to the nearest percent.

7.5 m

  1. 2 ft to 5^ ft

  2. $8.99 to $15.99
    26. 18 lb to 22 | lb
    29. $168.45 to $234.56

18.5 m

  1. 140|gto80|g

  2. $4023.52 to $982.13

The measured dimensions of a rectangle are given to the nearest whole unit.
Find the minimum and maximum possible areas of each rectangle.

  1. 7 m b y 8 m 32. 18 in. b y 15 in. 33. 24 ft by 22 ft

  2. Writ ing How are p ercen t change a n d p ercen t error similar?

  3. Open-Ended Write a p ercen t change p ro b lem th a t you recently experienced.

  4. Think About a Plan In o n e season, an average of 6500 fans a tte n d e d each hom e
    gam e played by the basketball team at a college. In th e next season, th e average
    n u m b e r of fans p er gam e increased by a b o u t 12%. W hat was th e average n u m b e r of
    fans p er gam e for th at season?

    • W hat is m issing—the new a m o u n t or th e original am ount?

    • How can a p ercen t change help you find th e m issing am ount?

  5. Error Analysis A stu d en t is trying to find the p ercen t of change
    w h en an a m o u n t increases from 12 to 18, as show n. D escribe
    an d correct the stu d en t's error.

-new amount - original amounh
^original amounj

I ^ 1 L e s s o n 2 - 1 0 C h a n g e E xpre ssed as a P e rc e n t
fc -J----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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