Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pull It A l l To g et h er

To solve these
you will pull
together many
concepts and
skills t h a t you
have studied
abou t solving
equations and
working with
rates and

Co m p l et i n g t h e Pe r f o r m a n c e Ta sk
Look back at your results from the Apply W hat You’ve L earned sections in Lessons 2-3,
2-6, an d 2-8. Use the w ork you did to com plete th e following.

  1. Solve th e problem in th e Task D escription o n page 79 by determ ining th e average
    speed of th e m onorail, in m iles p er hour, over each segm ent of th e route. R ound each
    speed to th e n ea rest te n th of a m ile p er hour. Show all your w ork an d explain each
    step of your solution.

  2. Ref lect Choose one of the M athem atical Practices below an d explain how you
    applied it in your w ork on th e P erform ance Task.
    MP 1: Make sense of problem s a n d persevere in solving them.
    MP 2: R eason abstractly a n d quantitatively.
    MP 4: M odel w ith m athem atics.
    MP 6 : A ttend to precision.

On Yo u r Ow n
At a m eeting to discuss p lans for an extension of th e m onorail, th e airport's director
displays th e scale draw ing below.

Monorail Extension

Train station

Terminal C

Terminal D

■26.5 in .-
Scale: 1 in. = 150 ft

The airport’s director wants to determ ine the speed of the m onorail over each segm ent of
the route in order to m eet the following conditions.

  • The trip from the train station to Terminal C should take 45 s.

  • The trip from Term inal C to Term inal D should take 70 s.

  • The m onorail’s average speed b etw een th e two term inals should b e 25% greater th an
    its average speed b etw e en th e train station a n d Term inal C.
    W hat is th e average speed, in m iles p er hour, th a t th e m onorail should travel over each
    segm ent of th e route? R ound each speed to th e n ea rest te n th of a m ile p er hour.

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