Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e
St a n d a r d s Re v i e w
You also m ight earn one
point if you do not w rite an
expression but you show a
method for getting to the
correct answer.
Thi nk I t Through
It costs M andy $2.75 + $4.25 =
$7 to m ake each fram ed photo.
She m akes $10 - ($7) = $3
after selling one fram ed photo.
So, she m akes 3n after selling
n fram ed photos. She earns
3(12) = $36 after selling
12 fram ed photos. This answ er is
complete and earns 2 points.
Some questions on tests ask
you to write a short response.
Short response questions in
this textbook are usually w orth
2 points. To get full credit for
an answer, you m ust give the
correct answ er (including
appropriate units, if applicable)
and justify your reasoning or
show your work.
If you write the correct
expression but make an
error when calculating
your answer, you might
earn one point.
M andy is selling copies of historic photos
to raise m oney for a class trip. She can
order each p h oto for $2.75 a n d each
fram e for $4.25. M andy plans to sell each
photo w ith a fram e for $10.00. W rite an
expression to re p resen t th e total a m o u n t
of m oney M andy will have after selling
n fram ed photos. Evaluate your expression
for 12 fram ed photos. Show your work.
So l u t i o n
She m akes 3n after selling n fram ed photos.
She earns 3(12) = $36 after selling
12 fram ed photos.
ijjp Vocabulary Builder
^ As you solve test items, you must understand the
meanings of mathematical terms. Match each term
with its mathematical meaning.
I. t h e d i s t a n c e a r o u n d t h e o u t s i d e
of a figure
II. two figures w ith exactly th e sam e
shape, but not necessarily the
same size
III. a m ath sentence th at defines the
relationship b etw een q uantities
IV. a symbol th a t represents a
n u m b e r or n um bers
V. th e ratio of the lengths of
corresponding sides in
sim ilar figures
Se l e ct e d Re sp o n se
Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct
answer on your paper.
- The p ro d u c t of an irrational n u m b e r an d a rational
n u m b e r is always a m e m b er of w hich classification of
real num bers?
CD w hole n u m b ers CD integers
CIC rational num bers CO irrational n um bers - Belle surveyed h er classm ates in m usic class. The ratio
of stu d en ts w ho prefer playing string in stru m en ts to
those w ho prefer w ind in stru m en ts is 2 : 5. There are
28 stu d en ts in Belle’s class. How m any students prefer
playing string instrum ents?
CD 5 CD 20
CO 8 CD 25
A. variable
B. similar
C. scale factor
D. perimeter
E. formula
158 Ch ap t er 2 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e St an d ar d s Re v i e w