Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Complete each statement with < , = , or >.

  1. -3B -5 2. 7By 3. -8 B -8 .4 4. -§B 2.5

See Lesson 1-5 Absolute Value

Simplify each expression.

See Lesson 2-1 Solving One-Step Equations

Solve each equation. Check your solution.
8 .x -4 =-2 9. b + 4 = 7 10.-fy = 9 11. f f = 2.7

  1. -8 + x = 1 5 13. n- 7 = 22.5 14. - y z = 48 15. y=-15

see Lesson 2-2 Solving Two-Step Equations

Solve each equation. Check your solution.

  1. -5 + | = 7 17. 4 .2 m + 4 = 25 18. -12 = 6 + |x

  2. 6 = -z-4 20. 4m + 2.3 = 9.7 21.|f-7= -22

      1. 7 = 3y + 1.3 23. 12.2 = 5.3x - 3.7 24. 5-|x=-15

See Lessons Solving Multi-Step Equations
2-3 and 2-4 „ , Solve each equation. Check your solution.,.

  1. 41+ 7 + 6 f= -33 26. 2a + 5 = 9a - 16 27. ^ + y = §

  2. 6 (y — 2) = 8 — 2y 29. n + 3(n - 2) = 10.4 30. |w + 3 = |m -5

Lo o k i n g A h ead V o cab u l ar y

  1. You m ake a compound word, such as houseboat, by joining two w ords together.
    W hy do you th in k - 4 < x < 7 is called a compound inequality?

  2. The intersection of two roads is th e place w here th e roads cross. How w ould you
    define th e intersection of two groups of objects?


Po w erAlg eb

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Ch ap t er 3 So l v i n g I n e q u a l i t i e s 161
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