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3-1 I n eq u al i t i es an d Th ei r Gr ap h s
3-2 Solving In eq u alit ies Using Ad d it io n or
Su b t r act i o n
3-3 So l vi n g In eq u al i t i es Using M u l t i p li cat io n
or Division
3-4 Solving M ult i-St ep In eq u alit ies
3-5 W o rking W it h Set s
3-6 Co m p o und In eq u alit ies
3-7 A b so lu t e Value Eq u at io n s and
3-8 Unio ns and In t ersect io ns of Set s
BIG ideas
1 V a r i a b l e
Essential Question How do you
represent relationships b e tw e e n q u an tities
th a t are not equal?
2 E q u iv a len ce
Essential Question Can inequalities th at
appear to be different be equivalent?
3 Solving Equations and Inequalities
Essential Question How can you solve
in eq u alities?
Math definitions
in English and
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English/Spanish Vocabulary Audio Online:
complement of a set, p. 796 complemento de un conjunto
compound inequality, p. 200 desigualdade compuesta
disjoint sets, p. 275 conjuntos ajenos
empty set, p. 195 conjunto vacio
equivalent inequalities, p. (^777) desigualdades equivalentes
intersection, p. (^215) interseccion
interval notation, p. (^203) notacion de intervalo
roster form, p. (^194) lista
set-builder notation, p. (^194) notacion conjuntista
solution of an inequality, p. (^165) solucion de una desigualdad
union, p. (^214) union
universal set, p. (^196) conjunto universal
- Seeing Structure in Expressions
- Creating Equations
- Reasoning w ith Equations and Inequalities
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