Solving Multi-Step
Inequa ities
Ob ject ives To solve m ulti-step inequalities
Common Core State Standards
A-REI.B.3 Solve linear equations and inequalities
in one variable, including equations w ith coefficients
represented by letters. Also A-CED.A.1
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP4
1 ' ' G e t t i n g R e a d y!
Math Club members are selling Pi Day T-shirts for $7.50
each. Th e goal is t o raise $500 by Frid ay. The f igure at
the right shows how much they have raised by Wednesday.
What is the minimum number of T-shirts they must still
sel l in o r d er t o r each t h e i r g o al? Ex p l ai n y o u r r easo n i ng.
sense of th e
problem. W hat
inform ation do you
need b efo re finding
t h e minimum num ber
of T-shirts?
mathematical ^ ° u can m °d e l th e situation in th e Solve It w ith th e inequality 337.50 + 7.50x > 500. In
PRACTICES this lesson, you will learn how to write a n d solve m ulti-step inequalities like this one.
Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You solve a m ulti-step inequality in th e sam e way
you solve a one-step inequality. You u se th e properties of inequality to transform the
original inequality into a series of simpler, equivalent inequalities.
9 + 4f > 21
9 + 4t—9>21 — 9
pian _ ._^4 t>^12
How can you check At. 12
the solutions?^4 4
Check the endpoint, 3. t> 3
Then choose a value
greater than 3 and check Check 9 + 4(3) —^21
the inequality symbol. w
9 + 4(4) =2= 21
25 > 2 1
Using M ore Than One Step
What are the solutions of 9 + 4t > 21? Check the solutions.
S ubtract 9 fro m each side.
Divide each side by 4.
Check the endpoint of t > 3 by substituting 3 for t in the
related equation.
Check the in e q u a lity sym bol o f t > 3 by s u b s titu tin g 4 fo r t in the
original inequality.
186 Ch ap t er 3 So l v i n g I n e q u a l i t i e s