Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
St a t i st i c s a n d P r o b a b i l i t y
Dat a Co llect ion an d A n al y si s

  • Sampling techniques are used to gather data from real-world situations. If the data are
    representative o f the large r p o p u la tio n , inferences can be m a d e a b o u t that p op ula tio n.

  • Biased sampling techniques yield data unlikely to be representative of the larger population.

  • Sets of numerical data are described using measures of central tendency and dispersion.
    Data Representation

  • The most appropriate data representations depend on the type of data—quantitative or
    qualitative, and univariate or bivariate.

  • Line p lo ts, b o x p lo ts, a n d h is to g ra m s a re d iffe re n t w a y s to s h o w d is trib u tio n o f d a ta o v e r a
    possible range of values.
    Pr o b ab i l i t y

  • Probability expresses the likelihood that a particular event will occur.

  • Data can be used to calculate an experimental probability, and mathematical properties can be
    used to determ ine a theoretical probability.

  • Either experimental or theoretical probability can be used to make predictions or decisions about
    future events.

  • Various counting methods can be used to develop theoretical probabilities.

Geo m et r y


  • Visualization can help you see the relationships between two figures and help you connect
    properties of real objects with two-dimensional drawings of these objects.
    Transf orm at ions

  • Transformations are mathematical functions that model relationships with figures.

  • Transformations may be described geometrically or by coordinates.

  • Symmetries of figures may be defined and classified by transformations.

  • Some attributes of geometric figures, such as length, area, volume, and angle measure, are
    measurable. Units are used to describe these attributes.
    Reaso n i n g & Pr o o f

  • Definitions establish meanings and remove possible misunderstanding.

  • O th e r truths a re m o re c o m p le x a n d d iffic u lt to see. It is o fte n p o s s ib le to v e r ify c o m p le x truths
    by reasoning from simpler ones using deductive reasoning.
    Si m i l ar i t y

  • Two geometric figures are similar when corresponding lengths are proportional and
    corresponding angles are congruent.

  • Areas of similar figures are proportional to the squares of their corresponding lengths.

  • Volumes of similar figures are proportional to the cubes of their corresponding lengths.
    Co o r d i n at e Ge o m e t r y

  • A c o o rd in a te system o n a lin e is a n u m b e r lin e o n w h ic h p o in ts a re la b e le d , c o r re s p o n d in g to the
    real numbers.

  • A c o o rd in a te system in a p la n e is fo rm e d b y t w o p e rp e n d ic u la r n u m b e r lines, c a lle d the x- a n d
    y-axes, and the quadrants they form. The coordinate plane can be used to graph m any functions.

  • It is p o s s ib le to v e r ify s o m e c o m p le x truths using d e d u c tiv e re a s o n in g in c o m b in a tio n w ith th e
    distance, midpoint, and slope formulas.

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