Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
L H M r i un


An Introduction

to Functions

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Int eract ive!
Vary num bers,
graphs, and figures
to explore math
co n cep t s.

Ch ap t er Pr ev i ew
4-1 Using Graphs to Relate Tw o Q uantities
4-2 Patterns and Linear Functions
4-3 Patterns and Nonlinear Functions
4-4 Graphing a Function Rule
4-5 W riting a Function Rule
4-6 Formalizing Relations and Functions
4-7 Arithm etic Sequences

Th e o n l i n e
So l v e I t w i l l g e t
you in gear for
each lesson.

Math definitions
in English and

Online access
to stepped-out
problems aligned
to Common Core

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and r ev iew


E n g lis h /S p a n is h V o c a b u la r y A u d io O n lin e :

continuous graph, p. 255 qrafica continua
dependent variable, p. 240 variable dependiente
discrete graph, p. 255 grafica discreta
domain, p. 268 dominio
function, p. 247 funcion
in dependent variable, p. 240 variable independienl
linear function, p. 247 funcion lineal
nonlinear function, p. 246 funcion no lineal

range, p. (^268) rango
recursive form ula, p. (^275) form ula recursiva
relation, p. 268 relacion
sequence, p. 274 proqresion
Virt ual Nerd™
tutorials with
built-in support
BIG ideas
1 Functions
Es se n t i a l Q u e st i o n How can you
re pre sen t and describe fu n ctio n s?
2 Modeling
Es se n t i a l Q u e st i o n Can functions
describe real-w orld situations?

  • Interpreting Functions

  • Building Functions

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