Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
i) Writing an Explicit Formula
Online Auction An online auction works as shown below. Write an explicit formula
to represent the bids as an arithmetic sequence. What is the twelfth bid?

Minimum Price: $200
Bid 1: $200
Bid 2: $210
Bid 3: $220
Bid 4: $230

Rr st Bi d : Th e sel l er set s a
minimum price, which must
be met by the first bid.

Fo l l o w i n g Bi d s: Bi d s i n cr ease
in regular increments.

Make a table of the bids. Identify th e first term a n d co m m o n difference.

What information do
you need to w rite a
rule fo r an arithm etic
You need the first term
o f the sequence and the
common difference.

1 234
200 210 220 230

The first term
A( 1) is 2 00.

+ 10 +10 +10 The com m on
difference d is 10.

S ubstitute A (l) = 200 a n d d = 10 into th e form ula A(n) = A (l) + (n — \)d. The explicit
formula A[n) - 200 + (n - 1)10 rep resen ts th e arithm etic seq u e n ce of th e auction bids.
To find th e twelfth bid, evaluate A(n) for n = 12.
A(12) = 200 + (12 - 1)10 = 310

The twelfth bid is $310.

ty Got It? 4. a. A subway pass has a starting value of $ 100. After one ride, the value of the
pass is $98.25. After two rides, its value is $96.50. After three rides, its value
is $94.75. Write an explicit form ula to represent the rem aining value on the
card as an arithm etic sequence. W hat is the value of the pass after 15 rides?
b. Reasoning How m any rides can b e tak en w ith th e $100 pass?

You can write an explicit form ula from a recursive form ula an d vice versa.

Writing an Explicit Formula From a Recursive Formula
An arithmetic sequence is represented by the recursive formula A{n) = A{n - 1) + 12.
If the first term of the sequence is 19, write the explicit formula.
Adding 12 to the previous
term means that the common
difference d is 12

The first term is 19, so A (l) = 19.

A (n ) = A{n — 1) + 12
A{n) = A (l) + (n - 1 )d General form of an explicit formula
A{ri) - 19 + [n - 1)12 Substitute 19 fo r A (1 ) and 12 fo r d.
The explicit formula A{n) = 1 9 + (n - 1)12 rep resen ts th e arithm etic sequence. | L e s s o n 4 - 7 A r i t h m e t i c S e q u e n c e s 277
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