Ch ap t er Rev i ew
Connecting B IO ideas and Answering the Essential Questions
l F u n ctio n s
A fu n c tio n is a re la tio n s h ip
that pairs one input value
with exactly one output
value. You can use words,
tables, equations, sets o f
ordered pairs, and graphs to
represent functions.
2 M o d e lin g
You can use functions to
model real-world situations
th a t pair one input value w ith
a u n iq u e o u tp u t v a lu e.
Patterns and Functions
(Lessons 4 -2 and 4 -3)
Nonlinear -2 \^0
Using Graphs to Relate Two
Quantities (Lesson 4-1)
Function Notation and Sequences
(Lessons 4 -6 and 4 -7)
1 3 + (1 - 1) (2)^3
2 3 + (2 - 1) (2) 5
3 3 + (3 - 1) (2) 7
Graphing a Function Rule
(Lesson 4-4)
i y
r~ tâj
r j
- o *
-5 i
Continuous Discrete
Writing a Function Rule
(Lesson 4-5)
C = \ n + 6 A=s2
Ch ap t er V o ca b u l a r y
arithm etic sequence, p. 275
common difference, p. 275
continuous graph, p. 255
dependent variable, p. 240
discrete graph, p. 255
domain, p. 268
explicit form ula, p. 276
- fu n ctio n , p. 241
- function notation, p. 269
- input, p. 240
- independent variable, p. 240
- linear fu n ctio n , p. 241
- nonlinear function, p. 246
- output, p. 240
- range, p. 268
- recursive form ula, p. 275
- relation, p. 268
- sequence, p. 274
- t e r m o f a s e q u e n c e , p. 2 74
- vertical line test, p. 269
Choose the correct term to complete each sentence.
- If the value of a changes in response to th e value of b, then b is th e ?.
- The graph of a(n) J_ function is a nonvertical line or p a rt of a nonvertical line.
- The? of a function consists of th e set of all o u tp u t values.
0 Ch ap t er 4 Ch ap t er Review 283