Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4-3 Patterns and Nonlinear Functions

Quick Review

A nonlinear function is a function w hose graph is not a
line or p art of a line.

Ex a m p l e

The area A of a square field is a function of the side
length s of the field. Is the function linear or nonlinear?

100 225 400 625
Graph the ordered pairs and
connect the points. The graph
is n o t a line , so th e fu n c tio n is
Ex e r c i se s
Graph the function shown by each table. Tell whether the
function is linear o r nonlinear.
1 0
5 15 25
1 0
(^1) -2
4-4 Graphing a Function Rule
Quick Review
A continuous graph is a graph th a t is u nbroken. A discrete
graph is com posed of distinct, isolated points. In a real-
world graph, show only points th at m ake sense.
Ex a m p l e
The total height h of a stack of cans is a function of the
number n of layers of 4.5-in. cans used. This situation is
represented by h = 4.5n. Graph the function.
0 0
2 9
3 13.5
4 18
0 1 2 3 4 5
The g ra p h is d is c re te
because only w hole
numbers of layers
make sense.
Ex e r c i s e s
Graph the function rule. Explain why the graph is
continuous or discrete.

  1. Walnuts Your cost c t o b u y w p o u n d s of w alnuts at
    $6/lb is re p resen te d by c = 6w.

  2. Moving A tru ck originally h eld 24 chairs. You
    rem ove 2 chairs at a time. The n u m b e r of chairs n
    rem aining after you m ake t trips is rep resen ted by
    n = 24 - 21.

  3. Flood A b u rst pipe fills a b ase m e n t w ith 37 in.
    of water. A p u m p em pties th e w ater at a rate of
    1.5 in ./h. The w ater level €, in inches, after t hours is
    re p resen te d by € = 37 - 1.5f.

  4. Graph y = — |jc| + 2.

c j| Chapter 4 Chapter Review^285
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