Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e

St a n d a r d s Re v i ew


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Some questions on
standardized tests ask
you to choose a graph
th at best represents a
real-world situation.
Read th e question at the
right. Then follow the tips
to answ er it.

Aiko's speed is
constant fo r most
of the race, so the
graph should be a
straight line most of
th e tim e.

Aiko ra n at a co n stan t speed for m ost of a race. Toward
th e en d of th e race, she increased h e r speed until she
re ach e d th e finish line. W hich graph b est represents
Aiko’s distance traveled over time?


Aiko's speed increases
to w a rd th e end o f th e
race, so th e graph
should rise more quickly
at the end.

Think I t Through
Choice A shows a constant
speed during the entire race.
Choice B shows an increasing
speed n e a r th e race’s end.
Choice C shows a complete
stop in th e middle of th e race.
Choice D shows a decreasing
sp eed n e a r th e race's end.
The correct answ er is B.

dyjp Vocabulary Builder
^ As you solve test items, you must understand
the meanings of mathematical terms. Match each
term with its mathematical meaning.
I. a m ath sen ten ce stating two
quantities have th e sam e value
II. a relation w here each in p u t
value corresponds to exactly
one output value
III. a m a th p h ra se th a t contains
operations an d n u m b ers but
no variables
IV. a v a r i a b l e w h o s e v a l u e
changes in response to
another variable
V. the possible values for the
in p u t of a function or relation

Se l e ct e d Re sp o n se

Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct
answer on your paper.

  1. W hich w ord p h ra se is re p resen te d by th e algebraic
    expression 5(x - y )2?
    C D th e p ro d u c t of 5 an d x - y 2
    C O th e p ro d u c t of 5 an d x2 - y2
    C O th e p ro d u c t of 5 an d (x - y) squared
    C O th e q u o tien t of 5 an d (x - y) squared

  2. Angie uses th e equ atio n E = 0.03s + 25,000 to find h er
    yearly earnings E b ase d on h e r total sales s. W hat is the
    independent variable?
    CO E C O 0.03 C O s C D 25,000

  3. The function C = 2nr gives th e circum ference C o f a
    circle w ith radius r. W hat is an appropriate do m ain for
    th e function?
    C O all integers C O positive real n um bers
    C O positive integers C O all real numbers

A. dependent
B. equation
C. numerical
D. function
E. domain

288 Chapter 4 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l at i v e St an d ar d s Re v i e w

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