Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Quadrat ic Functions

and Equat ions

Get Ready!^543
Common Core Performance Task^545
9-1 Quadratic Graphs and Their Properties^546
9-2 Quadratic Functions^553
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: Rates o f In c re a s e^559
9-3 Solving Quadratic Equations^561
Concept Byte TECHNOLOGY: F in d in g Roots^567
9-4 Factoring to Solve Q uadratic Equations^568
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: W r i t i n g Q u a d r a t i c E q u a tio n s^573
Mid-Chapter Quiz 575
9-5 Completing the Square^576
9-6 The Q uadratic Formula and the D iscrim inant^582
9-7 Linear, Q uadratic, and Exponential Models
Concept Byte TECHNOLOGY: A n a ly z in g


Residual Plots 595
9-8 Systems o f Linear and Q u a d ra tic Equations^596
Assessment a n d Test Prep
Pull It A ll Together^602
Chapter Review 603
C h a p te r Test 6 0 7
Cumulative Standards Review 608

Number and Quantify
Reason q u an tita tiv ely and use units to solve problems
Creating Equations
Create equations th a t describe numbers or relationships
Reasoning w ith Equations and Inequalities
Understand solving equations as a process o f reasoning and
explain the reasoning
Solve equations and inequalities in one variable

Fu n ct i o n s
Interpreting Functions
In terpret functions th a t arise in applications in term s o f th e context
Analyze functions using d iffe re n t representations
Linear and Exponential Models
Construct and compare linear and exponential models and solve problems
St a t i st i c s a n d P r o b a b i l i t y
Interpreting Categorical and Q uantitative Data
Summarize, represent, and interpret data on tw o categorical and
q u an tita tive variables ^ ^ 4

xxxiv Co n t en t s

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