Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Rat i o n al Ex p r essi o n s

and Funct ions

Common Core Performance Task 663
11-1 Sim plifying Rational Expressions 664
11 - 2 M u l t i p l y i n g a n d D i v i d i n g R a tio n a l E x p re s s io n s 6 7 0
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: Dividing Polynomials Using
Algebra Tiles 677
11 -3 D iv id in g P o ly n o m ia ls 6 7 8
11 - 4 A d d i n g a n d S u b t r a c tin g R a tio n a l E x p re s s io n s 6 8 4
Mid-Chapter Quiz 690
11-5 Solving Rational Equations 691
11 -6 Inverse V a ria tio n 6 9 8
11 -7 G r a p h in g R a tio n a l Functions 7 0 5
Concept Byte TECHNOLOGY: Graphing Rational
Functions 7 13
Assessment a n d Test Prep
Pull It A ll Toge th e r 7 1 4
Chapter Review 715
C h a p te r Test 7 1 9
Cumulative Standards Review 720

Number and Quantity
Reason qu a n tita tiv e ly and use units to solve problems
Creating Equations
Create equations th a t describe numbers or relationships
A rith m e tic w ith Polynom ials and R ational Expressions
Rewrite rational expressions

Fu n ct i o n s
Interpreting Functions
In terpret functions th a t arise in applications in terms o f the context
St a t i st i c s a n d Pr o b a b i l i t y
Interpreting Categorical and Q uantitative Data
Summarize, represent, and in terp ret data on a single count or
measurement variable

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