Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Scatter Plots

and Trend Lines

Common Core State Standards
S-ID.B.6c Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that
suggests a linear association. Also S-ID.B.6a, S-ID.C.7,
S-ID.C.8, S-ID.C.9
MP 1, MP 2, M P 3 , M P 4

Objectives To write an eq u a tio n of a tren d line an d of a line of best fit
To use a tren d line an d a line of best fit to m ake predictions

Would you expect
th e number o f
albums downloaded
to have an e ffe c t
on CD sales?


Getting Ready!

The table shows the number of digital
albums downloaded per y e a r and th e number
of CDs sold by manufacturers per year.
What relationship exists between the two
sets o f data? Predict the number of CDs
sold and th e num ber o f albums downloaded
in 2010. E x p l a i n y o u r r e a s o n i n g. S9

Music Sales
(m illio ns) I

CDs Sold
(m illio ns)

Source: Recording Industry Association of America

scat t er p l o t

  • positive
    co r r elat io n

  • negat ive
    co r r elat io n

  • no correlat ion

  • trend line

  • interpolation

  • extrapolation

  • line of best fit

  • correlation
    coef f icient

  • causation

In the Solve It, th e n u m b e r of album s dow nloaded p er y ear an d th e n u m b e r of CDs sold
p e r y ear are related.

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You can d eterm in e w h e th e r two sets of num erical
d ata are related by graphing th e m as ordered pairs. If th e two sets of d ata are related,
you m ay be able to use a line to estim ate or predict values.
A scatter plot is a graph th at relates two different sets of d ata by displaying them
as ordered pairs. Most scatter plots are in th e first q u a d ra n t of th e coordinate plane
because th e data are usually positive num bers.
You can use scatter plots to find tren d s in data. The scatter plots below show th e three
types of relationships th a t two sets of d ata m ay have.


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When y ten d s to increase as x
increases, th e two sets of data
have a positive correlation.

When y ten d s to decrease as x
increases, th e two sets of data
have a negative correlation.

When x a n d y are n o t related,
th e two sets of d ata have
no correlation.

336 Chap t er 5 Linear Funct ions

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