Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ch ap t er Test MathXL® fo r School
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Do yo u k n o w H OW?

Write an equation in slope-intercept form of each line.

Write an equation in point-slope form of the line
through the given point and with the given slope.

  1. (5,1 );m = |

  2. (-2,3); m = — 2

Write each equation in standard form using integers.

  1. y = \x + 5

  2. y + 4 = | (x + 6)

Graph each equation.

  1. y = 4x — 3

  2. y = 7

  3. y + 3 = \ (x + 2)

    • 3 x + 5 y = 15

Determine whether each equation represents a direct
variation. If it does, find the constant of variation.

  1. 2x + 3y = 0

  2. 4 x + 6y = 3

Graph each function.

  1. y = |x 41

  2. y = |x| + 3
    15. Pet Grooming You start a p e t groom ing service.
    You sp en d $30 o n supplies. You p lan to charge $5 to
    groom each pet.
    a. W rite an eq u a tio n to relate your p ro fity to the
    n u m b e r of pets x you groom.
    b. G raph th e equation. W hat are th e x- and

Number of Inventors
Applying for Patents

1999 22,052

(^2001) 20,588
(^2003) 18,462
2005 14,039
2007 13,748
Source: U.S. P atent O ffice

  1. Make a scatter plot an d draw
    a tre n d line for th e d ata in
    th e table. Interpolate or
    extrapolate to estim ate the
    n u m b e r of inventors applying
    for p aten ts in 2006 and
    in 2015.

  2. W hat is an eq u a tio n of the
    line parallel to y = —x + 1
    an d th rough (4,4)?

  3. W hat is an eq u a tio n of
    th e line p erp en d icu lar to
    y = - x - 2 a n d th rough ( - 2 ,4 )?

Do y o u UN DERSTAN D?

  1. W riting How are lines of b est fit a n d o th er trend
    lines u sed w ith scatter plots?

  2. Open-Ended W rite an e q u a tio n w hose graph is
    parallel to th e graph of y = 0.5x - 10.

  3. Compare and Contrast Is an e q u a tio n that
    rep resen ts a direct variation a type of linear
    equation? Explain.

  4. Vocabulary W hat does it m e a n w h en a line of best
    fit has a correlation coefficient
    close to 1?

  5. Reasoning How many lines can
    you draw th a t are parallel to the
    line an d thro u g h th e p o in t show n
    at th e right? Explain.

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