(n nK _
If tw o equations have
the same slope and
y-intercept, their graphs
w ill be th e same line. If
tw o equations have the
same slope but different
y-intercepts, their graphs
w ill be p a ra lle l lines.
Pr o b l em 3 Syst ems With Infinitely M any Solut ions or No Solution
What is the solution of each system? Use a graph.
Q 2y — x = 2
y = ox^1 + 1_L_ 1
G raph the equations 2y - x = 2 and y = | x + 1 in th e sam e
coordinate plane.
The equations rep resen t the sam e line. Any p o in t on th e line is a
solution of th e system, so there are infinitely m any solutions. The
system is consistent an d d ep en d en t.
Qy = 2x + 2
y = 2x - 1
Graph the equations y = 2x + 2 an d y = 2x - 1 in th e sam e
coordinate plane.
The lines are parallel, so there is no solution. The system is inconsistent.
sj Go t I t? 3. W hat is the solution of each system in p arts (a) an d (b)? Use
a graph. D escribe th e n u m b e r of solutions,
a. y = —x — 3 b. y = 3 x - 3
y = —x + 5 3y = 9x — 9
c. R e a s o n in g Before graphing th e equations, how can you d eterm in e
w h e th e r a system of equations h as exactly one solution, infinitely m any
solutions, or no solution?
Co n cep t Su m m a r y Syst ems of Li near Equat i ons
One solution Infinitely many solutions No solution
The lines intersect at one
point. The lines have
different slopes. The
equations are consistent
an d in d ep en d en t.
The lines are th e same.
The lines have th e sam e
slope an d y-intercept. The
equations are consistent
and dependent.
The lines are parallel. The
lines have the sam e slope
an d different y-intercepts.
The eq u atio n s are
366 Chapter 6 Systems of Equations and Inequalities