Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Could you haveTh*nk I..™
solved this problem
another way?
Yes. For exam ple, you
could have m ultiplied
the second equation by 2
and subtracted.


ft Got It? 4. a. How can you use th e M ultiplication P roperty of Equality to change
th e eq u atio n s in this system in o rder to solve it using elim ination?
b. W rite an d solve a revised system.
c. Show th a t th e solution of th e revised system is a solution of the
original system.

4x +3y-
3x - 2y-


Recall th a t if you get a false statem en t as you solve a system, th e n th e system has no
solution. If you get an identity, th e n th e system has infinitely m any solutions.

Finding the Number of Solutions
How many solutions does the system have? 2x + 6y = 18
x + 3y = 9
Multiply the second equation by -2.
2x + 6y = 18
X + 3y = 9 Multiply by - 2.

2x + 6y = 18
—2x — 6y = —18
0 = 0 Add the equations.
B ecause 0 = 0 is an identity, th ere are infinitely m any solutions.

Go t I t? 5. How m any solutions does th e system have? - 2 x + 5y = 7
\S -2x+ 5y= 12

The flow chart below can h elp you decide w hich steps to take w h e n solving a system of
equations using elim ination.

Can I e lim in a te a v a ria b le yes
by adding or subtracting OQ
the given equations?

Do so.

Can I m ultiply one o f the VeS
e q u a tio n s by a n u m b e r, a nd th e n Oo
add or subtract the equations?

Do so.

Multiply both equations
by d iffe re n t numbers. Then
add or subtract the equations.

4 Lesso n Ch eck^
Do y o u k n o w H OW?
Solve each system using elimination.

  1. 3x — 2y = 0
    4x + 2y = 14

  2. 3p + q = 7
    2p-2q= -6

  3. 3x — 2y = 1
    8x + 3y = 2



  1. Vocabulary If you ad d two eq u atio n s in two variables
    a n d th e sum is a n e q u a tio n in one variable, w hat
    m e th o d are you using to solve th e system? Explain.

  2. Reasoning Explain how th e A ddition Property of
    Equality allows you to add equations.

  3. W r i t i n g Explain how you w ould solve a system of
    eq u atio n s using elim ination.

Lesso n 6- 3 So l v i n g Syst em s Usin g El i m i n at i o n 381
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