Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ch eck (3, 0) is in the green region. See if (3, 0) satisfies both inequalities.
y i 2x - 3 <— Write both inequalities. —» 2x + y i 2
0 i 2(3) - 3 Substitute (3, 0) for (x, y). —> 2 ( 3 ) + 0 > 2
0 < 3 <— Simplify. The solution checks. —* 6 > 2

Go t It? 1. What is the graph of the system? y > —x + 5
-3jc + y < - 4

You can combine your knowledge of linear equations with your knowledge of
inequalities to describe a graph using a system of inequalities.

Writing a System of Inequalities From a Graph

What system of inequalities is represented by the graph below?
Have you seen a
problem like this
one before?
Ye s. Yo u w r o t e an
inequality from a graph
in Lesson 6-5. Now you'll
write two inequalities.

Pr o b lem 2

To write a system that is represented by the graph, write an inequality that represents
the yellow region and an inequality that represents the blue region.

The graph shows the intersection of the system y < — + 5 and y > x — 1.


Th e red b o u n d ary l i ne
is y = - ^ x + 5. The region
does not include the line,
only points below. The
inequality isy <~\x + 5.

Th e b l u e b o u n d ary l i ne
isy = x - 1. The region
includes the boundary
line and points above.
Th e i n eq u al i t y i s y > x -

Go t It? 2. a. What system of inequalities is represented by the graph?
b. Reasoning In part (a), is the point where the boundary
lines intersect a solution of the system? Explain.

You can model many real-world situations by writing and graphing systems of linear
inequalities. Some real-world situations involve three or more restrictions, so you must
write a system of at least three inequalities.


Po w erAlg eb | L e sso n 6 - 6 Sy st e m s o f L i n e a r I n e q u a l i t i e s 401
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