Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ch ap t er Rev i ew

Co n n ect i n g 8 I G i d e a s an d A n sw e r i n g t he Essen t i al Q u est i o n s

1 S o l v i n g E q u a t i o n s
and Inequalit ies
There are several ways
to solve systems of
equations and inequalities,
including graphing and
using equivalent forms of
equations and inequalities
within the system. The
number of solutions depends
on the type of system.

So l v i n g Sy st e m s o f Eq u a t i o n s
(Lessons 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3)

y = x
y = -3x - 4

Th e so l u t i o n
is (—1, - 1 ).

Li n ear In eq u al i t i es (Lesso ns 6- 5 and 6- 6)

2 M o d e l i n g
Yo u can r ep r esen t m an y
real- world mathematical
problems algebraically.
When you need to find two
unknowns, you may be able
to write and solve a system
of equations.

Applying Linear Systems
(Lesson 6-4)

Ch ap t er V o ca b u l a r y
consist ent (p. 365)
dependent (p. 365)
elim inat ion method (p. 378)
inconsistent (p. 365)
independent (p. 365)

  • linear inequality (p. 394)

  • solution of an inequality (p. 394)

  • solution of a system of linear
    equations (p. 364)

  • solution of a system of linear
    inequalities (p. 400)

    • substitution method (p. 372)

    • system of linear equations (p. 364)

    • system o f linear inequalit ies (p. 400)

Choose the correct term to complete each sentence.

  1. A system of equations that has no solution is said to be ?.

  2. You can solve a system of equations by adding or subtracting the equations in such
    a way that one variable drops out. This is called the? method.

  3. Two or more linear equations together form a(n)?.

408 Chapter 6 Ch ap t er Rev i ew

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