Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e

St a n d a r d s Rev i ew

Some questions on tests ask you
to solve a problem that involves
a system of equations. Read the
sample question at the right.
Then follow the tips to answer
the question.

When writ ing an
equat ion, t r y t o use
variables t hat make
sen se f o r t h e prob lem.
Inst ead of using x and y,
use q fo r quarters and
n f o r n i c k el s.

Melissa keeps a jar for holding change.
The jar holds 21 coins. All of the coins are
quarters and nickels. The total amount in
the jar is $3.85. How many quarters are in
the jar?
CD 3
CD 7
CD 14
CO 21


Make sure to answer the
question asked. Here
you only need t o f in d t h e
number of q uart ers.

Think It Through
Write a system of equations,
q + n = 21
0.25 q + 0.05n = 3.85
Solve the first equation for n and
substitute to find q.
0.25 q + 0.05 n = 3.85
0.25 q + 0.05(21 - q) = 3.85
0.2 q + 1.05 = 3.85
q= 14
The correct answer is C.

Vocabulary Builder
As you solve test items, you must understand
the meanings of mathematical terms. Choose the
correct term to complete each sentence.
A. The (substitution, elimination) method is a way to
solve a system of equations in which you replace
one variable with an equivalent expression
containing the other variable.
B. A linear (equation, inequality) is a mathematical
sentence that describes a region of the coordinate
plane having a boundary line.
C. A(n) (x-intercept, y-intercept) is the coordinate of a
point where a graph intersects the y-axis.
D. The {area, perimeter) of a figure is the distance
around the outside of the figure.
E. A {function rule, relation) is an equation that
can be used to find a unique range value given a
domain value.

Sel e ct e d Re sp o n se
Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct
answer on your paper.

  1. A group of students are going on a field trip. If the
    group takes 3 vans and 1 car, 22 students can be
    transported. If the group takes 2 vans and 4 cars,
    28 students can be transported. How many students
    can fit in each van?
    CD 2 (D 6
    (X) 4 QD 10

  2. Greg's school paid $1012.50 for 135 homecoming
    T-shirts. How much would it cost the school to
    purchase 235 T-shirts?
    CD $750.00
    CD $1762.50
    CD $2025.00
    CD $2775.00

412 Chapter 6 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e St an d ar d s Re v i e w

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