Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Can y o u u se t h e
d ef init ion of zero as
an ex p o n en t w h en
t he b ase is a n eg at ive
Ye s, t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f ze r o
as an exponent is t rue f or
al l nonzero bases.

Which part of the
expression do you
need to rewrite?
Th e b ase b has a negative
exponent , so you need t o
rewrite it with a positive

Why can’t you use 0 as a base with zero exponents? The first property on the previous
page implies the following pattern.

3° = 1 2° = 1 1° = 1 0° = 1
However, consider the following pattern.
03 = 0 02 = 0 01 = 0 0 ° = 0
It is not possible for 0° to equal both 1 and 0. Therefore 0° is undefined.
Why can't you use 0 as a base with a negative exponent? Using 0 as a base with a
negative exponent will result in division by zero, which is undefined.

Si m p l i f y i n g P o w e r s

What is the simplified form of each expression?
Or 2

9 — 9 = -^1 t Use the definition of negative exponent.

= Simplify.

0 ( - 3 .6 ) ° = 1 Use the definition of zero as an exponent.

An algebraic expression is in simplest form when powers with a variable base are
written with only positive exponents.

Si m p l i f y i n g Ex p o n e n t i a l Ex p r e ssi o n s

What is the simplified form of each expression?
Q 5a 3b ~ 2
5 a3b~2 = 5a3|y-:j Use t he definit ion o f negat ive exponent.
Csj 3
= -g£ Simplify.


Xzy = 1 -r x~5 Rewrite using a division symbol.
= 1 h- Use the definition of negative exponent.

= 1 • xs Multiply by the reciprocal of which is x5.
= x5 Identity Property of Multiplication

Go t It? 2. What is the simplified form of each expression?
a. x-9 b. -z? n 3 c. 4c-3b d. -zj a 3

Pow erAlg eb [ Lesso n 7-1 Zero and N eg at ive Exponent s 419
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