Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Notice the lengl
of the beach is in
kilometers. How
will you find t he
number of cubic
meters of beach
san d?

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I, | Getting Ready!

Scien t ist s est im at e t h at t h ere are about 1020 st ars in t he universe.
A cubic meter of beach sand contains about 109 grains of sand.
Su p p o se a l l o f t h e sa n d f r o m t h e w o r l d ' s b e a c h e s i s co m b i n e d i n t o o n e
large beach, as shown below. Are t h ere more st ar s in t he universe or
grains of sand on the world's beaches? Explain your reasoning.

Not to scale

100,000 km


All of the numbers in the Solve It are powers of 10. In this lesson, you will learn a
method for multiplying powers that have the same base.

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You can use a property of exponents to multiply
powers with the same base.

You can write a product of powers with the same base, such as 3 4 • 32, using
one exponent.
34. 3 2 = (3. 3. 3. 3 ). (3. 3 ) = 3 6

Notice that the sum of the exponents in the expression 3^4 • 3^2 equals the exponent of 36.
In general, an equation such as 3 4 • 3 2 = 3 6 can be written using variables:
am • an = am+n.

Multiplying Powers

With the Same Base

Object ive To multiply powers with the same base

@ Common Cor e St at e St andards
N -R N .A .1 Explain ho w the d e fin ition o f the meaning of
rational exponents fo llo w s from extending the properties
o f in teger exponents to those v a lu e s...
MP 1, MP 2. MP 3, MP 4. MP 7

Here's w h y It W orks You can use repeated multiplication to rewrite a product
of powers.
am • an = {a • a • • a) • (a • a • ... • a) = a • a • • a = a m+n

(m factors of a J (_n factors ofaj [m + n fact ors of a


Pow erAlg eb [ Le sso n 7- 2 Multiplying Powers With the Same Base 425
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