Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co n cep t Byt e

Use W ith Lesson 7 -5

Rel at i n g Rad i cal s t o

Rat i o n al Ex p o n en t s

@ Common Core State Standards
Pr ep ar es f o r N- RN.A.2 Rewrite expressions
in volving radicals and rational exponents using
the properties o f exponents.

You can use patterns to explore the relationship between radicals and rational

Activity 1

Copy and complete the table. Round to the nearest thousandth if necessary.

  1. 9 V9 = gx =

  2. 36 \/36 = 36^ =

  3. (^15) \ 15 = 8 : 157 „

  4. (^24) V 24 » I 242 -^1
    A calculat or can help wit h
    fract ional powers. On most
    calculat ors, the # key
    is used to enter an exponent.
    For inst ance, 2 7 3 would be
    entered as 27 9 (1 3).

  5. Look f o r a Pat t ern What appears to be the relationship between the square root
    of a number and the | power of the number?

  6. a. Make a Conject ure What do you think the relationship is between the cube
    root of a number and the | power of the number?
    b. Test your conjecture for the numbers 8 and 27, which have integer cube roots.
    Describe your results.

You can also find a pattern when placing powers with rational exponents on a number line.

Activity 2

For Exercises 7-10, use a calculator to find the approximate value of each
expression. Then plot each number on a number line.

  1. 32, 33, 3°, 31, 35 8. 5?, 52, 5°, 55, 5?

  2. 255, 255, 252, 25, 255 10. 10, 105, 10*, 105, 1Q5

  3. Look fo r a Pat t ern For a set of powers with the same base that is greater than 1,
    how can you predict their order on a number line?

MP 7

Ex e r c i se s
Predict answers for the following problems using the patterns you have discovered.

  1. If a > 1 and x < y, which is greater, ax or

  2. Ifl < x < y and a > 1 , which is greater, xa or yal

  3. If a > 1 and x > 1 , which is greater, ax or a x?


Co n cep t By t e Re l a t i n g Rad i cal s t o Rat i o n al Exp o n en t s 447
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