Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Object ive To rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents

Get t i n g Read y!

Make a sketch
and look f o r right
triangles. Look
for a pattern in
your answers and
predict t he value
of c before finding
the value of c.

Th e f ig u re at t h e r ig h t is made up o f
sq u ar es. Th e sid e o f a l ar g er sq uare is
bisect ed by t he vert ices o f t he square
t h at is one size sm aller. W hat are
t he values o f a, b , and c? (Hin t : The
hypotenuse of an isosceles rig ht triangle
equals a sm aller sid e t im es V2.)


Lesso n

In this lesson, you will learn the relationship between radical expressions and
expressions using rational exponents.
Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You can use rational exponents to represent radicals.
In a radical expression, the number under the radical sign a is the radicand.
The number n in the crook of the radical sign is the index. The index gives
the degree of the root. For a cube root, the degree is 3. If there is no index, the
degree is 2 , which means square root.
Recall what you know about square roots. Since 5 2 = 25, you know that
V25 = 5. You also know that 25^ = 5. Using the transitive property of
equality, you can conclude that V25 = 252. Similarly, Y;8 = 8 T

radical sign


Rat i o n al Exp o n en t s

and Rad icals

Co m m o n Co r e St at e St a n d a r d s
N-RN.A.2 Rewrite expressions involving radicals and
rational exponents using the properties o f exponents.
MP 1, MP 3, MP 4, MP 6, MP 7

You can simplify radical expressions by finding like factors, just as when
simplifying powers with rational exponents.

How do you find V a
for any number a?
Yo u l o o k f o r n equal
factors of a.

Fi n d i n g Ro o t s
What is the simplified form of each expression?
0 \Zl25 0 ^ 1 6

Method 1 Method 2
N/i25 = ^5*5*5 \/l6=16?
= 5 =(2*2
= 2

2 • 2)5

Ch ap t e r 7 Ex p o n e n t s a n d Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s
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