Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Got It? 3. Write each radical expression in exponential form.

a. ^ b. c. V ( 4 y ) 5 d. ^ 256a8

How can you find the
app roxim at e value of
the expression?
Yo u c a n u se 1 8 A ( 3 / 4 ) t o
simplify the radical using
a cal cul at o r.

Using a Radical Expression
Bi o l o g y You can estimate the metabolic rate of living organisms based on body mass
using Kleiber's law. The formula R = 73.3 relates metabolic rate R measured in
Calories per day to body mass M measured in kilograms. What is the metabolic rate
of a dog with a body mass of 18 kg?
R = 73.3 X^M8
= 73.3 X/^188 Su b st i t u t e 1^8 for M.
~ 640.5578436 Use a calculat o r t o simp lif y.

The metabolic rate is about 641 Calories per day.

Got It? 4. What is the metabolic rate of a man with a body mass of 75 kg?

Lesso n Ch eck
Do yo u k n o w H OW?
Simplify each expression.
1. V64 2. X/fU i. (XK125]4
Write each expression using rational exponents in
radical form and each radical expression in exponential

  1. V x 5. cs 6. ( 8 d)i 7.


  1. Error Analysis What is the error in
    the problem at the right? What is the
    correct answer?

  2. Write a rule for multiplying two radicals
    with the same radicand. Justify why
    your rule works.

  3. Does V 48 - V 4 = 4? Explain why or why not.

m Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses

Pr act i ce What is the value of each expression?

11. X/49 12. Vi

  1. X ^81 15. X / 2 I 6

Write each expression in radical form.

  1. fl3

  2. zi

  3. (98rf)5

450 Ch ap t er 7 Ex p o n e n t s a n d Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s

  1. (64b)?

21. (25x)s

  1. 18b4


4^ See Problem 1.

  1. ^ 6 2 5

  2. X/81

  3. 25xi

22. 27ai

  1. (24c)i

Se e Pr o b l e m 2.
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